Alright so it's taken me awhile to get this blog up but thought it was important as this seems to be an all too often asked question these days. And I loved the way our Pastor, Wayne, brought it all to light. The common question everyone is asking is "If God is so great and good, then where is he in a world filled with so much agony?"
Basically, WE suffer on this Earth for these reasons...
1) Because of the wicked, stupid, choices WE make each day (and this is due to our free choice that God has given us).
2) Because of the brokeness of the world.
In Romans 8:28 it says "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Notice the ALL THINGS. This means that even we who are Christians are not cleared from the hurt of the world. ALL THINGS can still happen to us too. We also have to remember that God does discipline us for our sin. "because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son." Hebrews 12:6
My favorite quote of his whole sermon was..."Jesus Christ did not suffer so you won't but so that when you do, you will become more like Him." And I want to close by leaving a reference to one of my favorite verses for you to go look up on your own and I encourage you to do so! 2Corinthians 4: 16-18
On a lighter note (because we all know how goofy I have to be) I must have you know that as I was searching for photos for this blog, this is one of the photos that popped up. Oh my...!