Cutest Reindeer I Know
We like to make Daddy special things for his office...(LOVE the face!)
And you better believe this is my favorite time of year because I am stacked full of fun goodies and activities to do for the holidays! Just went to Hobby Lobby yesterday and went CRAZY! So be looking for more to come!
My Belated Thanks
I was without access to my account on actual Thanksgiving Day so now I can take the time to share just a few of the reasons I was thankful this year...
My hubby who is a wonderful example of a Godly man to my family,
all my family and friends who make such an important impact in my life,
a church family who has shown us the true definition of worship,
an amazing job where I get to play with preschoolers,
my Cowboys having a rockin football season,
my little fireball of energy...

my next bundle of joy that is growing inside my tummy...

And all the many ways God has blessed us beyond words with what we have been given!
My hubby who is a wonderful example of a Godly man to my family,
all my family and friends who make such an important impact in my life,
a church family who has shown us the true definition of worship,
an amazing job where I get to play with preschoolers,
my Cowboys having a rockin football season,
my little fireball of energy...
my next bundle of joy that is growing inside my tummy...
And all the many ways God has blessed us beyond words with what we have been given!

Most of you have probably never heard of the special needs ministry at Kirk of the Hills Pres. Especially if you are not a member of the church. Well, whether or not you are a member at The Kirk, you need to come check these guys out. What Pathways is is a ministry that serves all children, youth and adults with special needs and their families throughout not just the church but also the community. You can check out more about Pathways here One of the big things they do as part of their ministry is make and sell(as a donation) all kinds of neat items including jewelry, keychains, crosses, plates, ornaments and even furniture!!!! Their work and what they do is awesome. They are having a Christmas Showcase event Tuesday-Thursday November 30-Dec 2 at The Kirk from 10am-330pm or 6-8pm. If you are looking for some cute holiday gifts for friends and family, this would be the perfect gift and go towards a good cause. While you're there you can also enjoy some cookies and hot chocolate! So I invite you to come check them out and help make a donation to support what they are doing and further God's kingdom! 
Just a couple of the cute necklaces I have purchased!
Just a couple of the cute necklaces I have purchased!
22 weeks and counting
Nursery Decisions...HELP!
It's about that time to decorate little Kyla's nursery already! However, I'm in somewhat of a predicament as to what I should go with. So I need some help deciding. Here are a few of my favorites I have picked. They are all totally different which is why I'm having such a hard time! I'm not going to say which I think is my favorite because instead, I would like your votes! All your opinions might help sway my decision...

Please, Please, Please, tell me what you think! And don't you dare Google looking for costs to help me decide!

Please, Please, Please, tell me what you think! And don't you dare Google looking for costs to help me decide!
Special moments
I must admit, my heart melts when in the car Kinsleigh starts crying a little bit and when I ask her what's wrong she tells me, "I want to give Mommy a hug." Or when I lean over to say prayers with her in her new big girl bed and when done she says "I love you Mommy," and gives me a little kiss. Both of which happened tonight. Ugh! Can I just hold onto my little girl forever?! I mean, how can my heart not melt when I look at this sweet face...
I hope she wants to give me sweet hugs and kisses for all time!