Mommies weren't meant to be sick...
It is true...Mommies were NOT meant to be sick...especially pregnant ones. That should be a rule somehow. I now have been battling a cold that really knocks everything out of me for 6 days now! And during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, it's just not working. It takes everything I have to get up and going each day. And not just in the morning when I wake up, but after every time I sit down during the day too! I eat, sleep, etc with my mouth hanging open. (flattering I know) My eyes burn, my throat hurts, every joint in my body aches AND the real icing on the cake is being 40 lbs overweight. Yup, that's how much weight I've gained so far in this pregnancy go round. I'm only 6 lbs away from what I weighed the day I went in to have Kinsleigh. Looks like I'm going to surpass that this time...bummer. So the real reason being sick for a mommy stinks is because I have so many things I have to get done each and every day, on top of work, that my energy is drained to spend time with my little girl and I DO NOT like that! Am I complaining a little bit? Yeah, I think so! But I need a energy boost! Come on immune system that I don't really have. Do your job! I hate feeling like a slacker mommy!
This woman is totally me, minus the meds, because I can't take any!!! GRRRR

Bye Bye Binky
Ok, I'm not going to try and sugar coat it and say I was not highly emotional. Tonight was a HARD night for me. We had to tell the binkies bye bye since Kins is a big girl now and we didn't want her still attached to them once baby sister came along. Everything was no big deal while we prepared for it. We decorated our bye bye binky box, gave them all individual kisses goodbye, told her a whole story of how they had to go take care of somebody else's baby boy since she wasn't a baby anymore, then even had her carry them out to the mailbox with us to "send them away." We made it a huge event and documented every moment. Then the tough part came when it was time to put her in bed and that sweet little face looked up at us and said "want my binky" like she has every night for the last who knows how long. We then had to break the news and remind her of what we had done with them earlier in the evening. That little bottom lip started to quiver and all was lost. She surprisingly calmed down pretty quick but it took several times of going back in her room and giving her reassurance that all was well.
This is the part where you might say, "Are you kidding me?"
I walked out of her room with tears pouring down my face. (I'm such a softie). For the first time, it hit me that my little girl was growing up and this was only the beginning of all the little baby/toddler habits we would begin to break. Not to mention that after a while of trying to calm her in her room, she finally just looked at me and said "Bye Mommy" like she was just ready for me to get out of there. I don't want my baby girl to not need me. Something happens when you become a Mom to where you develop a huge desire to be wanted/needed. Even though I get worn out so often, at the end of the day there's a part of me that wants to always know she can't do it all on her own. I want her to ask for my help. I want to be near her and spend time with her. I want to cuddle...I want her to love me the same tomorrow as she did today even when I do have to do things that hurt her fragile heart. Ugh, this Mommy stuff just got harder...
Swim School has begun!
We took Kinsleigh to her first swimming lesson tonight and to say she loved it would be an understatement. I can already tell it's going to be a wonderful learning experience for her. That girl could live in the water if given the opportunity. Mommy's just being the watcher/picture taker/cheerleader for this time around as I didn't think I would look too flattering getting out there in the water 7-9 months preggo. However, we already plan on continuing to go back so hopefully next time, I can dive right in with her. She sure has a grand ole time with Daddy though. I'm so excited for these next 7 weeks for her!!! I'll be sure to keep you updated on her new acquired 
Look what happened in 2010
We made a lot of fun memories in the year 2010 and it's always fun to look back and see just how much our little girl grew up and changed too. We now have a fun spunky girl filled with all kinds of personality! Here's a look back at some of the memories our family shared...

January- Kinsleigh started preschool!
February- We enjoyed some snowed in days! (and she had her horrible infection on her eye as you can see which we choose not to remember. =( )

March- visited Safaris wildlife sanctuary
April- Happy Easter!!!

May- Splashing in my new pool that I ended up spending LOTS of time in over the summer!

June- First sweet taste of snow cones! Immediate love!

July- Happy 4th of July!!!
AND our BIG news... Kins is going to be a big sister
August-Vacation to South Carolina!
September- Nothing exciting to report, Just looking cute as always...

October- Kinsleigh turned 2! Among many other exciting events, I felt this was the most important!

November- Thanksgiving in Texas at Oma and Opa's. That's my crazy little Turkey!
December- We had a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday!
Here's to having an even better 2011!!!!
January- Kinsleigh started preschool!
February- We enjoyed some snowed in days! (and she had her horrible infection on her eye as you can see which we choose not to remember. =( )
March- visited Safaris wildlife sanctuary
May- Splashing in my new pool that I ended up spending LOTS of time in over the summer!
June- First sweet taste of snow cones! Immediate love!
July- Happy 4th of July!!!
AND our BIG news... Kins is going to be a big sister
August-Vacation to South Carolina!
September- Nothing exciting to report, Just looking cute as always...
November- Thanksgiving in Texas at Oma and Opa's. That's my crazy little Turkey!
Here's to having an even better 2011!!!!