Kyla's middle name "Hope" has in a sense taken on a whole new meaning. We originally picked the middle name because despite all I have gone through with my health we had hope that God would bless us with yet another beautiful, healthy baby girl. And he did and the meaning holds true more than ever. But over the course of Kyla's first 3 weeks of life, she's been a handful. This girl hardly ever stops screaming and her sleeping at night is definitely not pleasing to Mommy. We literally get approx 45 min in the morning and 45 min in the evening that she is awake and actually not crying. Not fun for anyone. There is a pretty significant chance that we just got another colicky baby. Lucky us.
We have HOPE. Hope that it will all get better. Hope that we will move on. Hope that I will sleep through the night again someday. Hope that her sweet tummy will feel no more pain.
And then before we know it, she'll be growing into a big girl and we will be "hoping" that she would just stay little forever. These first few months of her little life have not and are not going to be easy. But I know that there is going to be an end result of a magnificently beautiful girl created by Jesus who is going to fill our lives with joy each and every day. I can't wait to see that day. So to even be given the opportunity like we have to hear all those cries throughout the day, I wouldn't trade that for the world. Lucky us.
The New Fam of 4!
Here I finally am, 15 days after the new little one has arrived to finally do a blog post. I've come to the reality that blog posts are not going to happen quite as often these days.
Here is the new little face in our family. Isn't she beautiful?

Yup, my family feels perfectly complete. It's been a slight challenge and significant change but complete. God has given us two GORGEOUS little girls. I mean seriously their beauty is beyond words. And Kinsleigh is the best big sister. She likes to challenge her Mommy and Daddy a lot more these days but she takes care of Kyla like a little mommy herself. She especially likes to throw binkies at her in her bouncy seat instead of placing them in her mouth. Oh well, she's got the idea. And once again, Sean is proving himself to be an awesome Daddy. Taking on the role like a pro.

Let's just say, I'm one lucky girl!
Here is the new little face in our family. Isn't she beautiful?
Yup, my family feels perfectly complete. It's been a slight challenge and significant change but complete. God has given us two GORGEOUS little girls. I mean seriously their beauty is beyond words. And Kinsleigh is the best big sister. She likes to challenge her Mommy and Daddy a lot more these days but she takes care of Kyla like a little mommy herself. She especially likes to throw binkies at her in her bouncy seat instead of placing them in her mouth. Oh well, she's got the idea. And once again, Sean is proving himself to be an awesome Daddy. Taking on the role like a pro.
Let's just say, I'm one lucky girl!