First Haircut

| Thursday, April 21, 2011 | 0 comments |
Kinsleigh got her first hair cut today! And let me just say this place, "Kuts 4 Kids" is AMAZING!!! Just look at all the fun toys!

She started out great...looking like such a big girl...

Going quite well. Enjoyed getting her hair wet. (we talked all about this before we came).

Not so much enjoying anymore. Now she's screaming she wants her hair all dry...

The finished product. She got her hair done like Belle. Success!

My encouragement

| Sunday, April 17, 2011 | 0 comments |
As most of you know, I have really been struggling these first few weeks of little Kyla's life with worry, frustration, feeling completely helpless. The list goes on and on. But there is SOMETHING and really only one thing that keeps me going. And that is Christ alone. Here are a couple of verses I have been trying to live out each and every day over the course of this time. Hopefully they can be of some encouragement to you as well with whatever you may be struggling with.

"Do not be anxious about ANYTHING, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Phil 4:6

"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Matthew 6:27 (read all verses 25-34)

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him." Psalm 62:5

Ky's going to be okay. I know it! And she won't be cranky forever. But you may have to accept my crankiness I may display sometimes as well. I'm trying my best but I am TIRED!!!!

Look who's 1 month!...And 29 Years!

| Friday, April 8, 2011 | 0 comments |
Here's to our cutie who is already 1 month old today! We can't believe it! Time is flying so fast!

Still giving Mommy as little sleep as ever but still loving her to pieces...

And here's to wishing my hot hubby a Happy 29th Birthday today. Only 1 more year until you hit the big one babe! Here's to feeling young again...

Who's Who

| Monday, April 4, 2011 | 0 comments |
Who is who? Can you tell?

And you can't go cheat by looking in my facebook photo albums! Obviously there are some clues that give it away of who is who. Especially if you are a member of my family it's not too hard to figure out. But don't they look ridiculously the same. We're noticing it more and more each day! That just means we've got another cutie on our hands that we'll have to shoo the boys away from!