There are many things I have learned since becoming a Mommy of 2 but these are just a few that would be at the top of my list...
The 2nd is NOT always easier than the first.
I thought having one child was difficult. What was I even t
The 2nd is just as cute as the first =)
It is VERY hard to split my time evenly between them
Naps are no longer existent for me
My house stays a lot messier
The oldest only likes the new baby for a little while, then she's not so "cool" anymore
I spend 15-20 min each week getting stains out of clothes
I straighten my hair a lot less often
Preschool for the older one is a life saver
I cherish every moment of silence =) (coordinating sleep times is a must. However, succeeding at it every day doesn't always happen).
I get double the slobbery kisses and two kids to cuddle
Creating activities to do with the older one while the little one takes her morning "nap" is a great bonding time.
Movies get pulled out a lot more than they used to for the older one (Kinsleigh had never even seen a whole movie before Kyla was born. They are now a weekly ritual).
The toy clutter becomes ENORMOUS.
Playing outside is definitely the best activity to kee
p them both entertained
No two children are alike, and most likely your own children are going to be completely different
And at the end of each day, I feel like I just ran a marathon.
Despite the fact that the tough stuff outweighs the easy right now, I love my girls and they are my world.