What I've Learned

| Thursday, September 29, 2011 | 0 comments |
There are many things I have learned since becoming a Mommy of 2 but these are just a few that would be at the top of my list...

The 2nd is NOT always easier than the first.
I thought having one child was difficult. What was I even t
The 2nd is just as cute as the first =)
It is VERY hard to split my time evenly between them
Naps are no longer existent for me
My house stays a lot messier
The oldest only likes the new baby for a little while, then she's not so "cool" anymore
I spend 15-20 min each week getting stains out of clothes
I straighten my hair a lot less often
Preschool for the older one is a life saver
I cherish every moment of silence =) (coordinating sleep times is a must. However, succeeding at it every day doesn't always happen).
I get double the slobbery kisses and two kids to cuddle
Creating activities to do with the older one while the little one takes her morning "nap" is a great bonding time.
Movies get pulled out a lot more than they used to for the older one (Kinsleigh had never even seen a whole movie before Kyla was born. They are now a weekly ritual).
The toy clutter becomes ENORMOUS.
Playing outside is definitely the best activity to kee
p them both entertained
No two children are alike, and most likely your own children are going to be completely different
And at the end of each day, I feel like I just ran a marathon.

Despite the fact that the tough stuff outweighs the easy right now, I love my girls and they are my world.

Reason # 1,214

| Monday, September 26, 2011 | 0 comments |

You know those moments and conversations you don't particularly look forward to having with your children? I got to have one of those the other day...

Of the gazillion reasons you should not smoke, here is now reason # 1,214. Because of someone's bad habit of doing this, I had to give my 2 year old a lesson about what smoking is while sitting in the car in a QT parking lot. Not that she shouldn't get the lesson, I just didn't expect that it would be this early. But we did get two lessons in one. As the lady kept placing the cigarette in her mouth and then blowing smoke out, we got to talk about how it was bad for her and burning her insides. Then when she finished it all off and dropped the butt on the ground, we got to have a lesson on littering. Kinsleigh HATES when things get thrown on the ground and so she started yelling at the woman that she needed to pick it up. Good thing the windows were up...I guess. Maybe if she would of heard her, it would have placed a feeling of doubt inside her and we could be one more person closer to stopping the nasty habit. Oh well, what can you do? At least my kids will ALWAYS know how yucky it is.

Pintrest Project #1

| Friday, September 23, 2011 | 0 comments |
Yes, that's right. I did the unbelievable. I made my first thing that I saw on Pintrest. Ok, so not totally unbelievable but I was proud of myself that I actually beat the odds and took the time to make one of my inspirations I saw. I started with what seemed to be the easiest one I found and turns out, it was! AND the best part is, SUPER CHEAP to make. Got everything half off at Hobby Lobby of coure. Think it added up to a total of approximately $4.50 to make. I love my little OSU wreath. (Wreaths are my new obsession by the way). Oh and might I add, I also painted the front door this week simply because I wanted to. It was time to get rid of that icky light blue and go for the dark! Still has a few touch ups needed as you can probably see but I'm sure I'll get there...eventually.

Autumn, I love you

| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 | 0 comments |
My favorite time of year is approaching. No more extreme temperatures of heat. No more sweating on the way to my mailbox. No more having to show off my pasty legs. No more high electric bills. No more being stuck inside daily. Ahhhhh

Just the sweet, sweet smell of the crisp autumn air approaching. Bring on the colored leaves, the hoodies, the socks, the hot cocoa, football weekends, and three months straight of holidays (I know Halloweens not that special but it's super fun so it counts).

I go crazy with excitement in the fall. I'm literally counting down the days until I can put out fall decorations. Wouldn't you say October 1st is a good day? I have to resist and not jump to it too early. I'm just dying to go buy myself a pumpkin and put out the pumpkin spice candles. Mmmm...happiness is in my heart today as I see a high of 63 degrees in the forecast in two days!!! Just gotta get past the 100 today...

You're how old?!

| Thursday, September 8, 2011 | 0 comments |

Munchkin has reached her half year birthday today. Half a year!!! Please tell me how this is possible. With the first, it seemed to take quite some time to reach this milestone. With the second, it got here before I could even count to six. It's been a rough past 6 mos. but Kyla has been such a blessing in our lives. She is the biggest Mommies girl I know, but second to me, she highly prefers Daddy!

Currently, she still wakes once at night for a feeding. I know, I know, I should stop, but it's not until 4:30 or 5am and her little tummy is growling! We will make it farther one day! She also still can't nap on her own more than 30 min without Mommy having to go in and pat her tummy to keep her asleep. I'm not a big fan of that one.
She loves peas, green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, pears, peaches, avocados and sometimes applesauce. Only thing she truly hates is baby cereal. I'm glad she's 6 mos. now so we can give a shot at mixing it with juice to make it slightly more tasty. We're also going to bring on the apricots and prunes starting today. We all know what those foods do and let's just say this girl needs it!
We're working on sitting up, but haven't gotten it down quite yet. She prefers to stiffen her legs and stand of course. She hates being away from Mommy and Daddy so much that she literal
ly pukes everywhere from screaming anytime someone else has her. Lovely right? Needless to say, she rides around on my hip EVERYWHERE! We will outgrow this too so I'm not too worried. I can't carry her on my hip when she's 12. She's growing like a weed and we'll do the weigh in next week! Can't wait to see how much she's grown on those big girl foods!

Love this precious gift in our lives...