Deep Thoughts

| Wednesday, June 27, 2012 | 1 comments |
There are so many conversations that you just don't think about having with your little ones.  Everyone always jokes about the first time  you have to tell them where babies come from, blah blah blah.  But seriously, sometimes I feel like there needs to be a manual on all the other conversations that you didn't think about them asking.  Course I'm sure even then no one would hit on all of them.  It's like we know about a lot of them that are going to happen, we just never think twice about planning for them.  Well I got to have another one of those conversations in the car today with Kinsleigh on the way to a friends house.  We passed by a huge cemetery on the way there and she saw all the flowers all over the ground so of course she got interested and needed to know what it all was.  Not sure if we've just never happened to pass right by one before with her in the car or what, but it has at least never been of interest until today.

My response more or less: "Well, that place is called a cemetery.  You know how Mommy and Daddy have told you before that everything dies?  Well that is a place that when people die, when they are very old or extremely sick, (no need for more elaborate details), they bury them in the ground to keep their bodies safe.  But remember, if you have Jesus in your heart, your soul in the inside gets to go to heaven to live with Him forever.  But your body has to stay here, so other people like their friends and family that love them very much, put them in the ground. Then everybody gets to decorate where they are really nice with flowers to make them beautiful because they are special."

Phew, I hate having to give such "deep" explanations on the fly.  I sure hope I did alright.  It's quite difficult to explain such a heavy topic to a 3 year old without making it sound scary.  Hopefully now she can see it as more of a happy place ???

What other difficult conversations have you had to have with your children that you never even thought of considering or just simply weren't prepared for?

Daddy Day 2012!

| Sunday, June 17, 2012 | 0 comments |

Thanks for putting up with our whines and making us giggle. For playing with us, cuddling with us, dressing up with us, dancing with us, reading to us, you name it!  You're the best!  And we love you with every single tiny piece of our hearts.  Happy Fathers Day! Love Kinsleigh and Kyla.


| Sunday, June 3, 2012 | 0 comments |
Decades. When you are a child, a decade seems like forever. But as the years go on and you get older, they truly do go faster. I guess it's believed because we are constantly looking forward to the next "thing" which makes the days just fly along. But only a decade ago I was 18! Weird just thinking of all the things that have changed since I was 18. Yet everything so much the same at the same time. But a decade ago today marks a very saddened memorable day. A decade ago today I lost a very dear and close friend in a tragic car accident. I remember every detail of June 3, 2002 from start to finish in vivid detail. From what I did before the accident, to when I found out, to how I responded and everything else in between. It took me about four years to stop having repetitive dreams of either Justin getting to come back for a short 24 hours so I could spend it with him in more meaningful ways or I myself dying and going to heaven and seeing him. He would always be in a blue collared shirt and black pants when I would see him there. As we have all aged ever so slightly every year, he will forever be etched as an 18 year old young man in our minds. When I think of all the things he has missed here on earth... college, going on to play pro ball, getting saddens me, but then I am reminded that he gets to be in a much better place rockin out with Jesus. The impact he has made on thousands of people's lives since is unbelievable. Not many can leave such a powerful legacy. He is still dearly missed by all his friends and family but we are so proud of what he has done. I'm so glad you are forever happy. Miss you "mattress" (it's a long story)

The Revealing

| Friday, June 1, 2012 | 0 comments |
Well friends, I finally got my blog updated a bit.  Added that second child in the photo that I had over a year ago now!  But I've done another crazy thing.  I've been working on it for awhile now just to get it all together for  you.  I've decided to take on a SECOND blog.  It's intended for children's activities only.  Yeah, I know I'm crazy.  I just love finding/coming up with new ideas I can do with my girls and keeping documentation of it for others benefit, reminders for me for the future, etc.  I started it off with A LOT of posts just to get me started and will be adding to it often!  You can find the link to my new blog here:

My husband and I put our heads together and came up with the name for my blog together.  I wanted it to be unique to my girls.  So I had an idea in mind, then used his "english major mind" to make it get just the right ring to it.  Random thoughts refers to my oldest as throughout any given day, she can come up with the most crazy stories and it will most likely have nothing to do with what is going on at the moment.  Polka dots is for my youngest.  Ever since she was a teeny baby, she has been extremely attracted to polka dots.  Even now, any and everything polka dot thing she can find, she will grab it and carry it all over the place.  When I carry her in my closet, she finds a polka dot shirt and pulls it off the hanger.  She digs the polka dot clothes out of the piles of laundry.  It truly is hilarious.  So come see and continue to follow up with all the fun things we have going on here at the Kahlich house on a daily basis.  Many of my ideas are original but many others were taken/adapted from other mommy bloggers I follow and/or ideas I have gotten from Pinterest.  Credit is given to them too as my inspirations on the blog if you would like to follow them as well.  Thanks for stopping by and be sure to follow me and feel free to "pin" my ideas as well. Now go have fun with your kids!!!