Preschool Day, Hooray!

| Friday, August 24, 2012 | 0 comments |
It's "Preschool Day, Hooray!"  Title of this post comes from the book Kinsleigh's been wanting to read all week leading up to school starting back up today. And today was the first day of preschool for little miss Kyla girl EVER!  Boy did she get excited when I put her cute little backpack on her back.  Little did she know that I was about to take her somewhere and leave her for the entire day away from me. 

I can't believe I sent two girlies off to preschool today.  They are too stinkin adorable.

Kinsleigh loves sporting her backpack too.

It was exciting and sad bringing the girls to school today.  It was a big change from what we've been used to all summer just getting to hang out with one another all the time.  But I think deep down, Kinsleigh was ready to go back.  And Kyla obviously had no clue what was going on but she will soon have it all figured out and grow to love school too I'm sure.  I did shed a few tears when I dropped my "baby" baby off in her class. First time is tough and I don't know what I'm going to do this first semester as a stay at home mom, not working, and my kids are at school two days a week!  Weird! Come on Pinterest projects?!