Kinsleigh had a whole weekend full of birthday festivities and loved every bit of it! Friday, she got to celebrate with her class at school (which I unfortunately have no photos of), Saturday morning was her party and Sunday we partied on with her "actual" birthday!
Her party was "You are my Sunshine" theme. We did her party in the youth area of our church so I had a lot to work around but it was still very cute!
Yummy treats and sunshine cupcakes.
We made some Halloween crafts...
Did a lot of crazy jumping...
She adores her best friend from school, Bennett so much! I hear about this girl that's being tackled every day!
Sweet Annika...
Got creative with balloons in the ball pit...
Don't you love the look she's giving me?! She's not really one for pictures. =)
Girlie table...
She got some super exciting gifts! It's quite ridiculous really...
Then her birthday morning, she got to wake up to this exciting gift from Mommy and Daddy. She's been asking for this Repunzel tower for over a year and was very excited. The scooter was her other gift but it kind of got forgotten for awhile because of the tower distraction so sister played with it instead since she was thrilled. At least somebody was!
Then she eventually started showing me her awesome riding skills...
Sang one last time with our leftover party cupcakes. (I've eaten entirely too many of these!)
Get it girl! Birthday time from Oma and Opa...
Her dream come true! All the fairies!
She wanted them out so bad she had to lay on the floor and stare at them while Daddy had to cut them from the box which always takes forever. And Oma snuck in some pretty snazzy Tinkerbell jammies as well. Nothing this girl loves better than her fairy/princess jammies. Keeps Mommy busy with the laundry!
Thanks to everyone who made her birthday super special. She's so happy that she doesn't have to say "I'm three" anymore and reminds me that she's 4 several times a day!