I'm finding the hardest thing about being a mommy these days is figuring out how to balance all my different roles. Trying to be a good mommy, a good wife, preschool teacher, doing chores around the house, running all my errands...the list goes on and on. Sometimes I wish I had all the money in the world so I could just hire someone to do all my cleaning and my grocery shopping for me. Then life would be so much easier. That is until I would probably figure out something else I needed to do in my time to continue to keep me stressed. And to top it all off with a disease that makes me incredibly fatigued does not help with the problem much. Gosh, I guess this is the tough part about life that everyone always used to warn me about. I'm trying to remind myself each and every day that my family is always #1 and the other things CAN wait until later. I have never wanted anything more than to be a fantastic wife and a great mommy to my kid(s), to raise them in a Christian home, and hope that they will grow to be followers of Jesus too one day. Sean and Kinsleigh, you mean the world to me!
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