Life is short

| Tuesday, June 29, 2010 | 0 comments |

Why is it now that I'm older, summer seems like it goes by so fast? And all other times of the year for that matter. I just remember as a kid feeling like summer lasted FOREVER! And of course all "older" people telling me all the time "just wait until you get older, the time goes by much more quickly" I never really thought much of it and figured that feeling wouldn't happen until I was at least 40 but here I am and it's already happening. I'd say it started about 20. Has anybody really thought about why this is so? Is it just because of children's carefree feelings? They don't have all the appointments and meetings in their calendar books, therefore the fun never ends! They are living for today...we're living for tomorrow. Always looking forward to something that is going to happen later. But why do we do this, because our lives are already SO short? So let's live for today and try to enjoy them a little more and then maybe our life will seem even longer! hmm...worth a shot.

Baking Cookies

| Thursday, June 24, 2010 | 0 comments |
I had a huge craving for homemade chocolate chip cookies the other night, which is nothing new. If you know much about me, you know that I love to eat cookies ALL the time. Sean is amazed at how many I can down in one sitting. I decided to make an attempt at Kinsleigh helping me just so she can see how truly amazing the experience is. I didn't let her eat the raw dough of course so she had to miss the best part. But some day I will let her participate in that as well and eat it by the spoonfuls like I do. Mom, if you're reading this, I know you're saying "I always taught you not to do that!" But really, who doesn't and I'm still alive right? Kins had tons of fun just sticking her hands in everything and getting all messy! The butter flavor Crisco was the most fun to clean up off her hands since it was never ending slimy. As I placed each dob of dough on the baking sheet she said, "That's gonna be a cookie!" Then I turned on the oven light so she could watch them rise and turn into delicious cookies. I'm kinda health crazy with this kiddo as most of you know but this time I did let her have one of her very own cookies that she helped make and she loved it. She kept running around like crazy and going back to the oven asking for more. But sadly, I kept her to a single cookie...while I enjoyed 4-5


Happy Fathers Day

| Sunday, June 20, 2010 | 1 comments |

My hubby is quite possibly the best daddy there is out there. I know, many of you reading this would like to choose to disagree but it's true. He deserves this big special day in honor of him. A lot of times Dads get forgotten a little bit and we always make such a big deal about Mothers Day. Granted, we did carry them around in our bellies for 9 months, nurse them, and take care of the majority of their other needs but being the cool daddy is just as, if not more, important. Who else is going to roll around on the floor doing funky somersaults, carry the kids on their shoulders, build forts in the living room, etc. all for the pleasure of putting a smile on their kids face? Definitely not me. I don't even come close to having all that energy. But yet, Sean does all those things and more...way, WAY more! So I will not down play this day at all and think that my day is more important EVER. Because Sean is one heck of a daddy and I am so grateful Kinsleigh has him to look up to. She is going to grow up seeing such a perfect example of what it means to love Jesus with your whole heart and I could never ask for anything more than that. So thank you Sean, for being such a wonderful role model for our sweet baby girl. Today and every other day...HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!


Family Fun Night #2

| Friday, June 11, 2010 | 0 comments |
Tonight we ended Bible Adventure Week with a blast of a family fun night! We were a little unsure of how this evening was going to go givin it was a night filled with inflatables which Kinsleigh has never done before. But holy cow she loved it! She was begging to get back in them and jump around. We would just open up the little mesh door and she would hop right in. She even went down a super steep blow up slide with daddy that was probably 25 feet high! We've got a brave little one. The whole week was crazy and exhausting but more than well worth it! It was so cool to see teenagers and adults helping out and getting the kids pumped up for Christ! Now our little "Mighty Monkey" <---(as she was called this week) is in bed dreaming of getting thrown around in a huge blow up toy.

Heart for Friendship

| Monday, June 7, 2010 | 0 comments |

This week at The Kirk, Wayne's message was "Heart for Friendship." As I listened I evaluated whether or not I was being the best lifelong friend I can be to my close friends and also thinking about how thankful I am for my few very close friends who meet all these proofs of friendship. I also asked myself "How is my friendship with Jesus?" Here are the 4 proof's of friendship...

1) What they do for you...
Meaning you don't ever have to beg for a favor but rather they are always there to assist when you are in need. John 15:13 says "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." We should all be willing to do this. Not wine or come up with excuses as to why we can't help someone else out.

2) Defense before others...
A good friend is going to stick by you no matter what. Even when stakes are high and they know if they do stick up for you, there may be serious consequences (like losing respect from many others or even your job). It doesn't matter. A true friend is more important than the consequences you may be given

3) Ability to confide in someone else...
With a true friend, you know that when you tell them something, they are not going to go off and tell anyone else. Gossiping can get so out of hand sometimes but a true friend is going to hold everything in confidence. Oh how I wish this could be true for everyone!

4) Freedom to be Themselves...
Your true friend knows you are the way you are just BECAUSE. They don't expect anything differently out of you. They also make it a point to encourage you often. Hopefully you have a friend that may even do this on a daily basis. If not, make it your goal to do this for someone else (say your spouse if you are married).

Good friends are people who actually enjoy spending time with you. It's not a chore or a task. They are there to listen and sometimes it's nice for them to just be in your prescence in the complete silence. You don't even have to say anything if that's what the person needs. I love when Wayne said you "don't have to try and throw in a Bible verse to make things better." Amen! Because we all know when we are struggling or hurting, just simply reciting a Bible verse to us does not make all the difference in the world. It's being there for that person and showing you love and care.


| Wednesday, June 2, 2010 | 0 comments |
I was encouraged this week after the message on Sunday to really examine my attitude and judgement towards others. I don't really have anything deep or highly inspirational to say so I'll just say... I STINK at this. I know I don't always love everyone equally like I should. We all have certain thoughts about people just lingering in the back of our minds although we may never even consider saying them. We judge on wealth, appearance, personality, social status...But Christ doesn't do this. He ONLY looks at what is on the inside and all his judgements are based on truth. Lord, give me discernment and the right kind of loving heart to view others like you.

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29