My hubby is quite possibly the best daddy there is out there. I know, many of you reading this would like to choose to disagree but it's true. He deserves this big special day in honor of him. A lot of times Dads get forgotten a little bit and we always make such a big deal about Mothers Day. Granted, we did carry them around in our bellies for 9 months, nurse them, and take care of the majority of their other needs but being the cool daddy is just as, if not more, important. Who else is going to roll around on the floor doing funky somersaults, carry the kids on their shoulders, build forts in the living room, etc. all for the pleasure of putting a smile on their kids face? Definitely not me. I don't even come close to having all that energy. But yet, Sean does all those things and more...way, WAY more! So I will not down play this day at all and think that my day is more important EVER. Because Sean is one heck of a daddy and I am so grateful Kinsleigh has him to look up to. She is going to grow up seeing such a perfect example of what it means to love Jesus with your whole heart and I could never ask for anything more than that. So thank you Sean, for being such a wonderful role model for our sweet baby girl. Today and every other day...HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!
June 20, 2010 at 7:44 PM
So sweet! And what a precious picture!!
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