Flutters in my tummy
Posted by
April Kahlich
| Tuesday, September 14, 2010 |
It's that time already?! I couldn't believe it the other day when I already felt the tiniest hint of little one moving around in my tummy. I actually had a little bit of a scare when I sat down to rest and all the sudden I had this huge jump on my left side like a kick you would feel more around 7 months along. I have to admit, I still do find that kind of strange and not quite sure what was going on there. But, I have put my worries aside and am enjoying the occasional flutters I feel giving me the reassurance that baby is growing and doing great. I've almost forgot of all the little phases your body goes through and when certain things happen. Especially since I'm not reading about pregnancy all the time like I was with Kinsleigh! We are so thrilled about this little guy or girl inside of me and marvel at God's intricate ways He is knitting them together. This time around, our lives are already so busy with another little one that we often forget to sit down, and take time out to thank God for this next little blessing. (Now I know why they say 2nd children never get quite as much of the attention). It's happening already and they aren't even born yet! But gosh, when I really do sit down and take the time to thank Him for the miracle inside of me, I can't help but think of how lucky I am of something so great. What do doctors know anyway?! I was in fact meant to be a Mommy!!!
(12 weeks pic)
September 14, 2010 at 1:36 PM
Super cute... but it looks like you just had a big dinner :)
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