Tonight I realized something really pathetic. I realized what a different world my child is being raised in compared to what I had. I know, I know, I sound like an old lady but think about it. I had what seemed like so much when I was a child. Now things have changed so drastically that when I say cassette tape or VHS, elementary school and sometimes middle school kids have no clue what I'm talking about. I wouldn't say that's sad...just amazing! And do you remember when you used to get the however many free hours of AOL on a disk in the mail? Just now as I was talking about this blog with the hubby he said, "what about overhead projectors?" I didn't even realize they don't use those anymore. That's all I ever knew! What in the world?! I must throw in here too how often they think it's necessary to change the look of Facebook every few months to where I have to relearn everything and it drives me crazy! It CAN stay the same for awhile and we'll all be okay. So I guess I should get to the reason of why all this hit me this evening. I would have to say it was when I was cooking dinner and I heard my 2 year old child cry from the living room, "I want to play on the iPad!" She is part of a new generation (in which I have no clue of what it is called).
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