We are to our final days before baby Kyla arrives and it is beginning to hit Sean and I pretty hard. We're both wondering how we are going to adjust to this huge change that is about to happen and our emotions are rising. We know that families add new members every day but for some reason we feel alone in the matter. We have made Kinsleigh our everything in so many ways and find ourselves struggling with the question "How are we ever going to love someone else as much as we do her?" I know the honest answer is that it's going to be way easier than we think. When Kyla is born we are going to get to witness another true beauty and miracle that God has knit together inside of me. But that is so hard to see right now. Not to mention the fact that Kinsleigh has no idea how much her world is about to change. And she's not old enough to understand the true deep rooted love she holds in our hearts. I wish we could fast forward several years, give her all the reassurance she needs that she can easily understand, then we can flash back to present time and all that reassurance is held in her and she wouldn't have a worry in the world. We cherish everything about that sweet little girl. I think you would agree when all it took to bring a tear to Sean's eye this morning was to see her twirling around in her sunglasses in the mirror saying how beautiful she was. And she knows how beautiful she is because we have made it a point to reinforce that in her every day. Especially her Daddy. Anytime I put her in an outfit, the first thing she wants to do is "Go show Daddy!" Because she KNOWS without a doubt he's going to gasp and say, "Wow! You look so beautiful!" It's crazy how girls crave that desire to be noticed in a beautiful way at such a young age. So here we go again...another little girl to cherish and tell her each and every day that she is more loved and more beautiful than words could ever express.

Do we both have the energy, strength and love to do all this? I sure hope so, but when in doubt, I know our God is going to pull us through and make it happen.
February 27, 2011 at 5:01 PM
Hi kids, its old dad Cantley. Glad Jan saw the blog so that i can confess my feelings just before, well months before Micah was born. Erica was (and still is) the most beautiful and fun daughter any father could ask for. i talked to Jan about how could i even think about loving another child as much as i did Erica. We did not know if it was going to be a boy or a girl, so that did not play into my feelings. And yes, Sean, I even shed tears because of my feelings. God is great and with that new child is new feelings and love. And at times after Micah was born it was a worry about showing favoratism toward him because of my love for sports and his excelling in and love for sports. i have seen parents and heard real bad stories of grandparents doing the favoratism thing and it breaks your heart. lean on God and your love for him, and you will indeed love both of them with all of your heart and be the great father that God has made you. of course you still have to work at not forgeting each other too.
Love and miss you guys. May God bless the birth of Kyla.
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