I never get tired of hearing my dear little Kinsleigh say "Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for me" at bedtime every night. This is her #1 prayer of thanks! How cool is that? Granted, she has no clue what she's saying or can even begin to fathom what that means right now. But I pray that one day she will. I pray that Sean and I will be good examples as parents and guide her in the way she should go in helping her know this. I honestly cannot wait for the day that she comes to me and says "Mommy, I want to ask Jesus into my heart." Maybe not those words exactly, especially if she's (sigh) not choosing to call me Mommy anymore. But I'm so thankful that she's already been introduced to the fact that someone else loves her deeply far better than Mommy and Daddy ever could. I have a feeling this strong willed, "little miss attitude" girl we have right now is going to make her Mommy and Daddy very proud someday. I mean...hello!, she already does! But I mean I can see her being a beaming light for HIS kingdom.
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