Kyla, you are officially three quarters of your way to a one year old! Hard to believe. At 9 months you are still attached to Mommy like nobody's business. As in, you still spew all over everybody if Mommy leaves you for an extended amount of time. Extended sometimes only meaning 5-10 minutes. You come and go with your daysof just blabbering away. You're still not pulling yourself up or crawling but you are walking around EVERYWHERE with the help of others. Definitely not a fan of sitting still on your bo-bo anymore. I can tell you are going to be my one that gets into everything. You already stop at the sight of any and everything on the floor and try to pick it up so you can put it straight in your mouth. Still no toothers. LOVE Mickey Mouse just like your sissy. Love to cuddle and play with Mommy's hair. And you really enjoy talking to Mr. Snowman that sits next to our front door.
Just look at you go on this thing...
And you are already my fashion diva...=)

Love you bunches sweetie pie!
December 9, 2011 at 7:54 AM
Aw! I love seeing what we have to look forward to!
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