When you came into this world, you were crying like a duck. No lie. It sounded like you were quacking and I will never forget it. Made me giggle in the midst of having my insides taken apart behind a curtain. (Sorry Ihave to keep the mood light and funny or I'll start to cry).
The first 6 weeks of your life were more than difficultand you had somewhat of a rough journey but you were a tough little cookie. Thankfully, because of mommies persistence in figuring you out, we discovered you had a UTI at 6 weeks old that had most likely been around for approximately 4 weeks. Maybe even longer. Heck, you had to have TWO catheters in 3 days with nothing to numb the pain. Mommy couldn't even do that. And I had to sit and watch you sleep with an I.V. hooked into your arm in a tiny little hospital bed for 5 days. You even had to spend your first Easter in the Children's Hospital. Those early days I will never forget.
But more importantly I will never forget how your beautiful blue eyes sparkle and people comment on them at least several times a day everywhere we go, at 7:30pm almost every evening you come and cuddle with me and let me tickle your back until bathtime, you made me walk with you holding your little fingers for 2 1/2 mos. before finally taking your own first steps, at 9:40 every morning I'm guaranteed a huge smile the moment you hear "lalalala lalalala Elmo's World!" comeon the T.V., you smack your lips every time you pretend to eat or the moment you see someone else with food, your most adorable pout lip, how you run to the computer and start moving your leg to the beat when you hear "Party Rock Anthem", and you play peek a boo in the shower curtain and get your head soaking wet every morning. Ohhh the memories we will always share...
Happy Birthday sweet Kyla Hope. Mommy, Daddy and Sissy (believe it or not) love you very

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