's been over 2 months since I last posted on here! 2 months! So what better way to get back to it than with some adorable memories of Kyla's 2nd Birthday celebrations this past weekend?! Yes, you heard me correctly. My BABY girl is 2 years old! Somebody please tell me how this is even possible.
She got to start off her morning opening her special gift from sister and enjoy some birthday donuts (even though they are covered in green sprinkles because of St. Patricks Day).
Then she headed to preschool and got to have a birthday celebration there with some fun Elmo cookies with all her little friends. Aren't they all so cute?
This is my favorite photo of the day because it just wraps up her personality in a nutshell!
She (and big sister) adore the new ariel vanity from Mommy and Daddy. Flounder likes to kiss himself. They even give eachother makeovers. Having two girls is so much fun.
On Saturday, I was busy making her Elmo cupcakes for her Incredible Pizza birthday party with the family! They turned out pretty adorable if I do say so myself.
The girls have a new favorite hobby.
And this was the game winner for the evening. Punch out the duckies! =)
Who do you think is more excited to see what is inside?
Our newest member of the family, Lamby.
You're 2! Happy Birthday Kyla Hope! Thank you for bringing smiles, cuddles and giggles into our lives each and every day.

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