We started off our first New Year with a baby!

Welcomed another niece into the world!
Went to Chicago for the first time!
Had to tell our first ministry home as a family in St. Charles, MO goodbye.
Moved to Oklahoma and bought our first home!
Joined Kirk of the Hills ministry team!
Kinsleigh learned to walk, do sign language and say her 1st few words!
Kinsleigh had her 1st B-Day!
Started my first job of teaching!
Experienced the 1st Blizzard in Tulsa's recorded history!
So...a lot of fun firsts in there but I would love it to be even more thrilling! Here's to making 2010 a much more fun filled adventurous year!!!
January 2, 2010 at 8:33 PM
That's a lot of change for one year! These old eyes have a hard time reading the green font. Enjoy your blog and your life. Love hearing about it!
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