Today I was told to restrain my 15 month old child. Yeah, already. Can you believe it? So we went for her check up and she is now to the age where she understands what is going on and doesn't want strangers doing strange things to her (like listening to her heart with a stethoscope because we all know that's so scary). As the doctor is trying to examine her chest, eyes, ears, etc., Kinsleigh begins to have a flailing fit. I'm talking shoving, kicking, and screaming at the doctor and almost throwing herself off of the exam table. So what does the doctor do??? Tells me I need to hold my child down. Doesn't seem like a big deal, but do you know how hard that is? To see your child in pure torture and I just have to hold her down and tell her to endure it. She was scared out of her mind and I had to be a part of it. Not a good feeling. The whole time she was signing and saying she was "all done." It broke my heart. And we hadn't even gotten to the shots yet. That's a whole other story as they did all 4 of them, one by one, and I listened to her crying get louder and watched her shaking get more intense. This makes the doctors office seem like a really scary place doesn't it? I cannot wait until these first 5 years of shots all the time are over! I can't handle it!
January 26, 2010 at 8:21 PM
=( April, that sounds so sad! Just remember that Toby goes through this EVERY day...trust me, it hurts you more than it hurts her & she won't ever remember it! He'll always be the one with that job when we have a kid...it probably won't even phase him. Just think of it as the same as discipline...you are doing this b/c you love her & for her own good. And it could always be worse, Toby has to do lumbar punctures on kids when they're like that...can you imagine watching them stick a huge needle in their spine while they're moving all around...he always gets mad at parents that don't hold them down b/c it makes his job way more dangerous! Hope she feels better...miss you!
January 27, 2010 at 11:56 AM
Just a thought for next time...ever since he could sit up, our doc has had Hank sit on my lap instead of the exam table while he checks him out. Hank never even gets on the table until the nurse comes back to do his shots. When he was younger, he still was kind of concerned by the whole thing, but never freaked out. If your doc seems open to suggestions, it may be worth asking.
January 28, 2010 at 6:21 AM
Oh April, I'm so sorry. Love the blog.
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