Jesus asked his disciples this question in Matthew 16:15 “Who do you say that I am?” Other people had all different ideas of who he was but Peter replied boldly “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”v.16 And because of his response, Peter was blessed.
It’s amazing all the types of answers you may get when asking about the name Jesus Christ. As our pastor stated on Sunday, “Just saying the name Jesus causes a reaction that no other name will.” How true is that?! People can be ecstatic and declare Him as their Lord and Savior, ashamed because they know who He is but don’t want to live a life that follows Him, disgusted because they are angry with Him, offended because of an other god they may worship, or totally disconnected because they have no clue what He is about nor believe in Him at all.
"It is possible for men to have good thoughts of Christ, and yet not right ones, a high opinion of him, and yet not high enough." M. Henry
Christ didn’t come straight out and say who he was but rather left it for others to infer by his works.
Knowing all this makes me ask.
“Who does the world say I am?”
Would they just say I’m a loving mother and wife?
Happy and easy going?
An encourager?
Would they say I am a firm believer in Jesus Christ, that I follow him in all aspects of my life and it is made known by my actions towards others?
Because that’s the only thing that matters and the ONLY thing I TRULY want to be known about me! I hope that one day I will live up to this image.
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