There are so so so many new things I continue to learn each day as a first time mommy. And I know that I will NEVER master anything or know it all. But there are certain things I continue to get better at along the way. In our own home Sean and I have been very careful about making sure ALL the toilet seats are closed as Kinsleigh has gotten older so that she doesn't get the idea to go explore in the potty. We've pretty much baby proofed the whole house to where she can go adventure the place on her own without us having to worry about her getting into anything dangerous. Well, unfortunately the other day, someone forgot to close the potty seat. (and I hate to admit it but I think it was me) So Kinsleigh wandered off for a few moments playing with some bean bag toys from a doll. After being gone several minutes and I wasn't hearing much sound, I decided to go see what she was up to. I went looking around the whole house saying her name and started to panic because I could not find her and she was not answering. Then on my second way past our bathroom, here she comes walking out with soaking wet bean bags hanging out of her MOUTH! Sean and I both wanted to gag. So nasty, but stuff happens and that's why God created us with immune systems! Now we know, lessons learned...DO NOT FORGET TO CLOSE THE POTTY!