Dirty and Disgusting

| Tuesday, February 23, 2010 | 0 comments |

There are so so so many new things I continue to learn each day as a first time mommy. And I know that I will NEVER master anything or know it all. But there are certain things I continue to get better at along the way. In our own home Sean and I have been very careful about making sure ALL the toilet seats are closed as Kinsleigh has gotten older so that she doesn't get the idea to go explore in the potty. We've pretty much baby proofed the whole house to where she can go adventure the place on her own without us having to worry about her getting into anything dangerous. Well, unfortunately the other day, someone forgot to close the potty seat. (and I hate to admit it but I think it was me) So Kinsleigh wandered off for a few moments playing with some bean bag toys from a doll. After being gone several minutes and I wasn't hearing much sound, I decided to go see what she was up to. I went looking around the whole house saying her name and started to panic because I could not find her and she was not answering. Then on my second way past our bathroom, here she comes walking out with soaking wet bean bags hanging out of her MOUTH! Sean and I both wanted to gag. So nasty, but stuff happens and that's why God created us with immune systems! Now we know, lessons learned...DO NOT FORGET TO CLOSE THE POTTY!

Happy Valentines Day!

| Monday, February 15, 2010 | 0 comments |
I hope you all enjoyed Valentines Day yesterday with someone special whether it be your spouse or a very close friend. I was prompted to write this blog based on what was discussed on Sunday morning at The Kirk. Being loyal to the Lord should be our number one priority, then this should spill over into being loyal and committed to each other. In being a close friend to someone, you have to be loyal,trustworthy, devoted and dependable in order for it to be genuine. "A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24. Everyone needs at least one of these types of friends for their well being. Do your best to be this type of friend to someone else. Make a commitment to LISTEN. REALLY LISTEN to what others hurts, needs, joys, and desires are. "Many people don't listen with intent to understand. They listen with intent to reply." Steven Covey. Don't be this person. And with your spouse, be committed to love. This is a choice, NOT a feeling. Even though our world today tells us that it is. There may be days that you struggle with one another and it may seem like you don't have any feelings left for that person, but it does not mean that love is gone. Just like we have our days with God that we may not feel his love is there. It sure doesn't mean that it's not. Life's not perfect. It has it's ups and downs. So remember to always cherish your spouse and be committed in every way to those closest to you. Pure, dear, friendships are hard to find.

Look Alike Mix Up

| Wednesday, February 10, 2010 | 2 comments |

This past week, as many others did, I posted a picture of a celebrity people often tell me I resemble on my Facebook page. I've been told since way back, probably 14, that I look like Sarah Michelle Gellar. Truthfully, I don't see it at all but apparently many others do. Several days after posting her picture, I received a Facebook message from a family member who has not seen me in YEARS! She wanted to tell me how BEAUTIFUL I looked in my photo. Then several minutes later sent me another message saying that she had looked farther down my profile at some comments and then realized it really was not me but sure looked like it. One thing I was thinking was, "Okay she really must not of watched many movies in the late 90's." But the other more important, and yet sad realization I had was "This is the one time anyone has ever genuinely told me I looked beautiful in a Facebook photo and it wasn't even me!" But I just have to laugh because it truly is hilarious. It reminds me of when I was younger and the times that I got the most comments on my cute outfits was when I had borrowed them from a friend!

"Who do you say that I am?"

| Monday, February 1, 2010 | 0 comments |

Jesus asked his disciples this question in Matthew 16:15 “Who do you say that I am?” Other people had all different ideas of who he was but Peter replied boldly “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”v.16 And because of his response, Peter was blessed.

It’s amazing all the types of answers you may get when asking about the name Jesus Christ. As our pastor stated on Sunday, “Just saying the name Jesus causes a reaction that no other name will.” How true is that?! People can be ecstatic and declare Him as their Lord and Savior, ashamed because they know who He is but don’t want to live a life that follows Him, disgusted because they are angry with Him, offended because of an other god they may worship, or totally disconnected because they have no clue what He is about nor believe in Him at all.

"It is possible for men to have good thoughts of Christ, and yet not right ones, a high opinion of him, and yet not high enough." M. Henry

Christ didn’t come straight out and say who he was but rather left it for others to infer by his works.

Knowing all this makes me ask.

“Who does the world say I am?”

Would they just say I’m a loving mother and wife?

Happy and easy going?

An encourager?

These are all great things that I would hope people could say about me but the most important question is…

Would they say I am a firm believer in Jesus Christ, that I follow him in all aspects of my life and it is made known by my actions towards others?

Because that’s the only thing that matters and the ONLY thing I TRULY want to be known about me! I hope that one day I will live up to this image.