Happy Valentines Day!
Posted by
April Kahlich
| Monday, February 15, 2010 |
I hope you all enjoyed Valentines Day yesterday with someone special whether it be your spouse or a very close friend. I was prompted to write this blog based on what was discussed on Sunday morning at The Kirk. Being loyal to the Lord should be our number one priority, then this should spill over into being loyal and committed to each other. In being a close friend to someone, you have to be loyal,trustworthy, devoted and dependable in order for it to be genuine. "A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24. Everyone needs at least one of these types of friends for their well being. Do your best to be this type of friend to someone else. Make a commitment to LISTEN. REALLY LISTEN to what others hurts, needs, joys, and desires are. "Many people don't listen with intent to understand. They listen with intent to reply." Steven Covey. Don't be this person. And with your spouse, be committed to love. This is a choice, NOT a feeling. Even though our world today tells us that it is. There may be days that you struggle with one another and it may seem like you don't have any feelings left for that person, but it does not mean that love is gone. Just like we have our days with God that we may not feel his love is there. It sure doesn't mean that it's not. Life's not perfect. It has it's ups and downs. So remember to always cherish your spouse and be committed in every way to those closest to you. Pure, dear, friendships are hard to find.

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