Happy Mothers Day

| Sunday, May 8, 2011 | |

Being a Mommy involves a lot of hard work, tears, dress up, singing songs for everything, sleepless nights, hugs and kisses, dancing around like no one is watching, baking cookies, sending your kids to time out, packing lunches, playing at the park, tea parties, getting really messy, back scratches, breaking the bank, playdates, endless dishes, lots of laughs, noisy car rides, piggy back rides, silly faces, going on adventures, arts and crafts, repairing boo boos, riding bikes, flying kites, watching Mickey Mouse 3 times a day, reading board books, shot day at the Dr.'s office, playing in our tutus...

You can feel happiness, sadness, pain, fear, energetic, exhausted, frustrated, helpless, silly, and clueless. Sometimes all at the same time.

For all these things, I am grateful! Thank you Kinsleigh and Kyla for giving me the privelege to be your Mommy. I love you more than words can say!

And to all the other Mommies out there! Great job! You are deeply loved! Happy Mothers Day!


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