Just to recap what is going on in our lives these days, Kyla has been VERY fussy beyond words since she was 2 weeks old. It kept getting worse and worse and people just kept telling us it was a phase and would pass. Myself as a mommy knew better and eventually could see this wasn't normal and there was definitely something else going on. I took her to the Dr., insisted they test her for ANYTHING else that they were not being able to see externally. (because of course, she appeared normal at all her visits) Through that they discovered infection "somewhere."
We admitted her into the hospital, found out she had a UTI, began treating that, then switched her to special formula to also treat a possible milk protein allergy. Not to mention, she has some reflux going on on top of everything. Oh did I forget to mention that prior to the hospital visit, I was told that she may have something neurological going on and would possibly need an MRI because of the amount of time she was still wanting to sleep. Great, I'm feeling really confident now.
Now that we have gotten some of her problems taken care of, and the others are happening gradually, we are now battling how bills of having a new baby and then admitting a sick baby into the hospital are going to be paid, how long it is going to take us to build back up our rest, basically when we can get back to the "normalness" of life. Things got really tough when Kinsleigh decided to get very sick for 4 days when she hasn't been sick in an entire year. (this kid literally NEVER gets sick). This was putting me at getting up approx. 8 times a night with both kids. I'm exhausted! ...Things are tough but HE is going to pull us through.
Her alertness still isn't quite to where it should be but technically we are starting over with a newborn. She was always in so much pain before that she didn't have the opportunity to interact and develop like a healthy baby should. Each day it seems we are starting to see more and more smiling and alertness. But of course all the concern is not gone yet. I truly feel we are getting there though and it's due to all of your prayers! The Dr.'s are not the miracle workers. Only Christ alone.
So if it seems like problems is all I ever talk about anymore lately, it's because that's all I've experienced. My life has been consumed within the walls of our home and a hospital with a screaming baby for 2 months. I can count the number of times I have gone out into the world on one hand. Those times were to church and the Dr.'s office with two trips to the grocery store. Hopefully now things can at least start looking up and we can put all of this behind us! We love all our friends dearly and the old "me" will be back soon!!! Thank you!
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