Binkies Back! Alright!

| Tuesday, July 12, 2011 | |

Look what kiddo decided to start using today! I know some parents prefer their child not to get attached to the binky ("pacifier") but I like them to be my saving grace at times. Kinsleigh LOVED her binky from day one. She slept with it, played with it, chewed on it when teething, blah blah blah. Kyla has HATED it from day one. Never could get her to take it. She would thrust it back out at you and scream even more. And if she didn't do that, then she would gag on it. I continued to try and give it to her every once in a while, but would get the same result so finally just gave up.

Well today, she literally WOULD NOT stop whining. And she's gnawing away at her fist like you would not believe. I thought, "What the heck?! I'm going to give this one more shot and just see what she does." Went and dug it out of the drawer, plopped it in her mouth and TADA! She loved it and went to town. The fussing stopped and she even went down for nap with it. Honestly I don't care if it's a sleep prop. I'll use it anyway. I did with Kinsleigh too and she turned out fine. She's not going to go to kindergarten sucking her binky (at least I hope not).


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