But here's the story of why she is wearing it. The other week at swim lessons, I promised Kinsleigh if she did really well and was brave, she would get a cookie after lessons. (They sell them at the front desk). We've been bribing a lot lately as she has recently become terrified of going to lessons because they make her go under water. So during her lesson, she still cried and was scared the whole time, but she went ahead and tried everything nonetheless. So we get all ready to go, ready to go get our sugar cookie, and then I realize "oh wait I left my wallet in the car." We walk all the way out to the car to get it and come back in. Then I see the sign that says "We don't accept credit card purchases under $10. Sorry for the inconvenience." Ugh, yes this is a HUGE inconvenience. Those who know me know that I rarely carry any cash. I put any and EVERYTHING on the credit card! Alright, 2 cookies (one for her and one for me of course) is only $1. How in the world am I going to accomplish this? I promised this girl she's getting a cookie so dog gone it, she's getting a cookie. I'm a Mommy who keeps her word no matter the circumstances. So I'm looking around in their little store thinking what we would get use out of the most and wasn't going to cost me a fortune. Definitely don't need anymore swimsuits or swim toys so I see the shelf of t-shirts. Cute and $12! What the heck. Needless to say, our cookies cost me $13. But it was all worth it to not break a promise to my child...
Just a short little reminder that when you make a promise to someone, don't ever break it. If there's a possibility you might not be able to keep it, don't make it in the first place. Following through with what you say speaks a lot of who you are.
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