It's just a typical day at the Kahlich household. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just enjoying playing and watching Kinsleigh's imagination soar as Kyla stares at her in complete amazement. But today, I'm taking the time to enjoy every minute of it. Just soaking it all in knowing they will not stay this way forever. This all came about when I was reading an article out of this month's "Parents" magazine about milestones. It was talking about how we acknowledge the "BIG" milestones in life but never really think twice about the "tiny" things. Like their last night in their crib, or the last time they nurse, or when they take their last bite of baby food. For me a biggie was the last night I got to put Kinsleigh to bed as our only daughter. After I told her goodnight, I went into the living room and balled my eyes out. Literally. Because I knew that from then on, bedtime would be a little more rushed as I wouldn'tbe only worrying about her little eyes shutting but another set of little eyes closing for the night. Another biggie was when Kinsleigh told all her binkies bye bye for good. As much as I wanted her to break the habit, I hated to see them go because it meant she was growing up and I would never see her walk out in the morning with that

little grin forming behind it ever again. I never want to miss documentation of a special moment. (Which explains why I am such a crazy picture takin mama)! At the exact moment in time, we don't always realize that it is such a special moment until much later when we are looking back at the pictures. So today, cherish every moment with your little ones. And take lots of pictures! Even if it is just of them showing you their new favorite stuffed animal they discovered in sister's room t
hat day, or Kinsleigh showing off her masterpiece of coloring all over her hand.
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