The Kirk is doing something for our 50th Anniversary that I would love to ask your help in. We are trying, no wait...we will, fill a semi by Nov. 13th with items for those in need. Each week we have different items listed to bring so that we can get a variety of things and not just a bunch of canned beans and corn. This week, it was on my heart to really ask specifically because it is something that my own family struggles in getting for ourselves. FORMULA. Ugh! So not an easy thing to buy. The formula we feed Kyla (hypoallergenic aka super expensive liquid gold) , we would be spending approx $230 a month on if we were buying it for full retail all the time at a store like Wal Mart. Thankfully, I have been able to find many great deals on craigslist to get it much cheaper in bulk. But even then, my family still wouldn't have been able to afford it if we hadn't sold some of our own things on craigslist. We have sold an ipod, Garmin, Nook, all of Sean's disc's for disc golf, baby cradle as soon as we were done with it, nerf stuff (you know Sean is obsessed), queen bedroom set with the mattress and box springs, PS2 with all the games, Oakley backpack...let's just say we made many sacrifices. It just doesn't fit in our budget. And to think, we aren't even that bad off! What in the world are the people who don't even have jobs going to do? Got any formula laying around because you are done with it and just not sure what to do with it? Maybe you were given samples and don't need it? Or maybe you know someone in the medical field that would be willing to get you some? PLEASE DO! Here is a list of what can be brought each week until then. And obviously, if you have other things that you would like to donate, they are welcome as well.
10/30 baby food/formula and baby wipes
11/6 cake/brownie/muffin mixes and diapers
11/13 Canned fruit/veggies and toilet paper
We've already brought cereal, canned soup, peanut butter, shampoo, toothpaste, laundry soap, just to name a few but I am sure we could use more! We already have the semi 1/2 full so PLEASE help The Kirk reach it's goal! We've got 3 more weeks!!!
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