I just have to share that this past week has been a true blessing sent from above! Our battles with Kinsleigh have been out of this world but out of nowhere this week, we have had the best multiple days in a row than we have had in a LONG time. Our disciplining with her has been at a minimal (the typical for any 3 year old), her imagination has been running wild in her play time, and she has been the most loving, playful, big sister she could possibly be. I believe in the power of prayer and know that is what is making the difference. People in diligent prayer. So thank you, yet again. We are continuing to seek what troubles her and will keep updates coming as we know, but I also know that God can heal her out of nowhere if he wants to and she can be like any other 3 year old her age. If not, he's got another purpose and she's gonna rock it! I'm doing everything in my power to get her the help she needs but I still have hope for the other...
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