"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Matthew 24:35-36
So there ya go! The Bible does not lie! Therefore there is NO POSSIBLE WAY it can be that day! Otherwise, we would be making God out to be a liar! But just discussing this whole theory got me thinking, "what if we all could really know the last day of our existence? What would that be like?" Sean and I discussed this question on our way home from church this morning (this is where our best conversations always take place) and not only did I find our difference of responses quite humorous but I also realized just how naive I really am.
He explained how the world would be complete chaos and out of control. Theft and crime would sky rocket because there would be no consequences for your actions. Basically we would be living like "Grand Theft Auto" is how he put it.
My response was that all the airports would be too busy because we would all want to squeeze in all our last minute vacations to all the places we always wanted to go. Oh how I wish this world could be pure enough that that would be all that happened. Unfortunately, it's not and I believe Sean's prediction is much more accurate.
But anyway, all that being said, truth is we have no idea when the end will be so we should be living our life "right" and in the path of righteousness at all times. So instead of worrying about the end or making unrealistic goals or resolutions for yourself this year, make it a goal to live solely for Christ. That's it. Sure, lose weight if you want to, make it a point to call your grandmother more, all those sorts of things are good too! But the only thing that is GREATER and will last for all eternity is your relationship with Christ! So in 2012, OWN IT!
(And just as a little side note, a teeny tiny goal I have for myself is to finally get Kyla in my blog photo! I think procrastination could be my middle name)
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