A Little bit of our Christmas to share...

| Saturday, December 25, 2010 | 0 comments |
Look at what Santa brought just for Kinsleigh...she loves to draw!

and her most favorite gift of all... awesome girly tricycle!

Learning her books on her new tag junior reading system...

Our attempt at our annual family Christmas photo. Some day we'll get one where she smiles at the camera at the same time as us!

Merry Christmas to all from the Kahlich family! All these gifts and many more were wonderful and fun but we hope you remember the true meaning of Christmas this and every year. Happy Birthday Jesus!

Made with Love

| Tuesday, December 21, 2010 | 0 comments |
Kinsleigh and I baked some yummy sugar cookies for some friends today and she was a perfect little helper. I must note, it was very difficult to get all these pictures with dough covered hands!

Got all our ingredients and about to begin...

Cutting them into fun Christmas tree shapes...

Decorating with sprinkles, which she did all by herself. (we had to use blue and pink sprinkles since we didn't have any red and green, so not very festive. oh well!)

Enjoying her finished project for an after lunch treat!

Mmmm! Mommy's ready for some more Christmas treats! What about you?!

What's new with baby Two

| Wednesday, December 15, 2010 | 0 comments |
Here's the up to date news of little miss Kyla Hope. She's taking right after her big sister in being a big ol girl! The doctors words exactly were "this baby just keeps getting...Bigger!" Obviously she IS getting bigger but that wasn't quite what she meant. This little one is currently in the 99th percentile in size. Not only does she have a big belly but nice long legs too! Approximately 2lbs 10oz. Her now estimated delivery date is March 8! I just can't wait to meet this sweet little bundle of joy. Kinsleigh?...I'm not so sure how excited she will be to meet her right now but at least in this photo, she sure looks like she loves her!


| Sunday, December 12, 2010 | 0 comments |
I've decided to make some new renovations to my blog. I'm sure there will be more to come. I just only have so much time in a day to tinker with it and let's face it, I am NOT computer savvy at all! Hope you like the new look and now you will be able to see more of the things I LOVE!!!

My Techy Kid

| Tuesday, December 7, 2010 | 0 comments |
Tonight I realized something really pathetic. I realized what a different world my child is being raised in compared to what I had. I know, I know, I sound like an old lady but think about it. I had what seemed like so much when I was a child. Now things have changed so drastically that when I say cassette tape or VHS, elementary school and sometimes middle school kids have no clue what I'm talking about. I wouldn't say that's sad...just amazing! And do you remember when you used to get the however many free hours of AOL on a disk in the mail? Just now as I was talking about this blog with the hubby he said, "what about overhead projectors?" I didn't even realize they don't use those anymore. That's all I ever knew! What in the world?! I must throw in here too how often they think it's necessary to change the look of Facebook every few months to where I have to relearn everything and it drives me crazy! It CAN stay the same for awhile and we'll all be okay. So I guess I should get to the reason of why all this hit me this evening. I would have to say it was when I was cooking dinner and I heard my 2 year old child cry from the living room, "I want to play on the iPad!" She is part of a new generation (in which I have no clue of what it is called).

I'm Drooling

| Friday, December 3, 2010 | 1 comments |
Ugh, I WANT one of these! A scrapbooking armoire!
For those of you who know me REALLY well, you know I am totally into my scrapbooking and crafts and let's just say, having this would put me in scrapbook HEAVEN! I could be so organized and everything would be discreetly hidden. IN LOVE...too bad it's $1300 on Overstock. So if you've happened to see anything similar, but cheaper, let me know! That way I can continue on my way of scrapbooking my little cuteness...

Cutest Reindeer I Know

| Tuesday, November 30, 2010 | 1 comments |
We like to make Daddy special things for his office...(LOVE the face!)

And you better believe this is my favorite time of year because I am stacked full of fun goodies and activities to do for the holidays! Just went to Hobby Lobby yesterday and went CRAZY! So be looking for more to come!

My Belated Thanks

| Saturday, November 27, 2010 | 0 comments |
I was without access to my account on actual Thanksgiving Day so now I can take the time to share just a few of the reasons I was thankful this year...

My hubby who is a wonderful example of a Godly man to my family,
all my family and friends who make such an important impact in my life,
a church family who has shown us the true definition of worship,
an amazing job where I get to play with preschoolers,
my Cowboys having a rockin football season,

my little fireball of energy...

my next bundle of joy that is growing inside my tummy...

And all the many ways God has blessed us beyond words with what we have been given!


| Friday, November 19, 2010 | 0 comments |
Today I was thinking about how fortunate I have been to have one healthy, full term baby and another on the way that has thus far been going great. It was blowing my mind and I could not begin to understand how I had beaten the 50/50 odds of miscarrying with my disease TWICE! I was thanking God, thanking God, thanking God over and over. And then all the sudden, my mind wandered away and started thinking, “well I probably really deserved all that after what I had to go through with all my health.” Wait! What?! How dare I ever think that I “DESERVE” anything! None of us do. Ugh! I was disgusted at myself for even having such a selfish thought. Everything we have or have ever been given is a GIFT from God just because he is that benevolent. Truthfully everything we have is actually His and He just decides to share it with us. Hmm…never really thought of it that way, had you? It was by His grace that He gave us our Kinsleigh Grace and my hope was/is rest assured in Him that He would and could do it again with our Kyla Hope.


| Tuesday, November 16, 2010 | 0 comments |
Most of you have probably never heard of the special needs ministry at Kirk of the Hills Pres. Especially if you are not a member of the church. Well, whether or not you are a member at The Kirk, you need to come check these guys out. What Pathways is is a ministry that serves all children, youth and adults with special needs and their families throughout not just the church but also the community. You can check out more about Pathways here http://www.thekirk.com/specialNeeds/specialNeeds_Home.html. One of the big things they do as part of their ministry is make and sell(as a donation) all kinds of neat items including jewelry, keychains, crosses, plates, ornaments and even furniture!!!! Their work and what they do is awesome. They are having a Christmas Showcase event Tuesday-Thursday November 30-Dec 2 at The Kirk from 10am-330pm or 6-8pm. If you are looking for some cute holiday gifts for friends and family, this would be the perfect gift and go towards a good cause. While you're there you can also enjoy some cookies and hot chocolate! So I invite you to come check them out and help make a donation to support what they are doing and further God's kingdom!

Just a couple of the cute necklaces I have purchased!

22 weeks and counting

| Sunday, November 14, 2010 | 1 comments |

I've been HORRIBLE about taking pictures throughout this pregnancy and I'm frustrated with myself because I really meant to do better. But everyone has been asking so here it is...an up to date pic of the baby bump. 22 weeks! Yup it's definitely showing there now!!!

Nursery Decisions...HELP!

| Tuesday, November 9, 2010 | 11 comments |
It's about that time to decorate little Kyla's nursery already! However, I'm in somewhat of a predicament as to what I should go with. So I need some help deciding. Here are a few of my favorites I have picked. They are all totally different which is why I'm having such a hard time! I'm not going to say which I think is my favorite because instead, I would like your votes! All your opinions might help sway my decision...
Please, Please, Please, tell me what you think! And don't you dare Google looking for costs to help me decide!

Special moments

| Wednesday, November 3, 2010 | 0 comments |
I must admit, my heart melts when in the car Kinsleigh starts crying a little bit and when I ask her what's wrong she tells me, "I want to give Mommy a hug." Or when I lean over to say prayers with her in her new big girl bed and when done she says "I love you Mommy," and gives me a little kiss. Both of which happened tonight. Ugh! Can I just hold onto my little girl forever?! I mean, how can my heart not melt when I look at this sweet face...
I hope she wants to give me sweet hugs and kisses for all time!

Happy Birthday Kinsleigh

| Thursday, October 28, 2010 | 1 comments |
Today was our sweet little girls 2nd Birthday! Here's a look back at how she has changed these past 2 years...

Her actual "Birth" day

1 Year Old

2 Years Old

Kinsleigh, thank you for blessing our lives in more ways than you could ever imagine. You are deeply loved to the moon and back! Happy Birthday Kins a roo! We love you!

Beaver Lake

| Sunday, October 24, 2010 | 0 comments |

One of my favorite traditions I had growing up was going to Beaver Lake, AR during the fall. The leaves are all beautifully changing, the air is crisp, and it's perfect campfire weather. As I've gotten older, married, etc. I've had to miss out on a few years but this Fall Break we got to bring the tradition back and the WHOLE family was included. Cousins Parker and Peyton even came all the way from South Carolina. While we were there we...

Celebrated Parker and Kinsleigh's Birthday's

Kins went kayaking for the first time

And we decorated pumpkins!

The whole trip was a blessing and I am so thankful for the time spent with family. Unfortunately it's back to reality now. Bummer!

New Life Ranch

| Tuesday, October 19, 2010 | 0 comments |

This past weekend, the Kirk youth went on their annual fall retreat to New Life Ranch. First of all, this is just an awesome place in general where you can relax and soak up the fresh outdoor life! But better than any of that is all those who participated/volunteered for the weekend. I just want to say thank you to ALL the leaders that help out with the youth at The Kirk for being so willing to serve and dedicating your time when you don't have to. And thanks to all the youth for being mature, incredible examples of what a person who is in Christ should look like! You guys put the norm of this world to shame! Love you all!!!

Pumpkin Patch

| Monday, October 11, 2010 | 0 comments |
We had a blast at Kinsleigh's first visit to the Pumpkin Patch! We went to Livesay Orchards way out in good ole Porter, OK. This was actually the first time we'd ever even heard of this town! But there were lots of young child friendly games, a tractor ride out to the pumpkin patch, and apple and peach picking if desired! Kinsleigh spent the majority of the time in the corn bucket! Sensory is so her thing...

Sponge Brain

| Sunday, October 10, 2010 | 0 comments |
So I'm pretty sure Kinsleigh's brain is pure sponge. She soaks up everything around her to the point I cannot believe!!! Many times she comes home singing whole entire songs word for word that I've never taught her but she heard on a CD ONCE that day at school. But here is the craziest part of it all. This is a picture of Kinsleigh's little magnet board...

Every letter you see there, Kinsleigh can identify EACH time without fail. That's 17 out of 26! And she's not even 2! Holy cow! So I had to take a picture of it just to prove it. I decided to put this to test because she was consistently going around telling us what certain letters were that she saw around our house. So I sat down, held up every one of her magnets one by one and she told me what these were. I can't give credit to myself for any of this, but rather "Super Why" from PBS. We've always been very strict about TV watching but she does get to see "Super Why" a couple times a week for about 15 min. while Daddy hops in the shower. Guess she's really learning something in that time! WOW! But the most fun thing we've heard that her brain has absorbed lately is "Baby" by Justin Beiber...I don't know that I can say I'm proud of that one though!

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

| Thursday, October 7, 2010 | 0 comments |
Alright so it's taken me awhile to get this blog up but thought it was important as this seems to be an all too often asked question these days. And I loved the way our Pastor, Wayne, brought it all to light. The common question everyone is asking is "If God is so great and good, then where is he in a world filled with so much agony?"

Basically, WE suffer on this Earth for these reasons...

1) Because of the wicked, stupid, choices WE make each day (and this is due to our free choice that God has given us).
2) Because of the brokeness of the world.

In Romans 8:28 it says "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Notice the ALL THINGS. This means that even we who are Christians are not cleared from the hurt of the world. ALL THINGS can still happen to us too. We also have to remember that God does discipline us for our sin. "because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son." Hebrews 12:6

My favorite quote of his whole sermon was..."Jesus Christ did not suffer so you won't but so that when you do, you will become more like Him." And I want to close by leaving a reference to one of my favorite verses for you to go look up on your own and I encourage you to do so! 2Corinthians 4: 16-18

On a lighter note (because we all know how goofy I have to be) I must have you know that as I was searching for photos for this blog, this is one of the photos that popped up. Oh my...!

Who would have guessed?

| Saturday, October 2, 2010 | 0 comments |
I acquired a new skill today! I actually learned how to use a sewing machine and make something. This was a huge accomplishment for me as I do not enjoy doing extremely time consuming projects. My mom had to do all the measuring and cutting for me because I still do not get all that part but much of the other I did on my own! woo hoo! I think this may be an inspiration to try new crafty things. Thanks to my wondeful Mommy who drove up for the day just to help me out. Fun times...but now my back hurts. Check out one of the finished projects...

Drumroll Please...

| Thursday, September 30, 2010 | 1 comments |
Or at least I should say, the doctor is 90% sure it is! I'm only 15 1/2 weeks along so technically the doctor can't say without a doubt but 90% is good enough for me so we're going with it! I was completely shocked because I just knew in my gut it was a boy! (Secretly I was hoping for a girl) But we're so thrilled beyond words that we are going to have ANOTHER precious little princess. Daddy's heart has already been melted once. Now he's just going to fall apart.

Soon and Very Soon

| Sunday, September 19, 2010 | 1 comments |
Heard this song today at church and was totally moved by the lyrics. Apparently it's not even a new song so I can't believe I've never heard it. I encourage you to listen to it and as you do, really focus on the lyrics. It truly is exciting to think that one day soon we will be seeing our Savior face to face. And we will get to be with our best friend who loves us more than all time for eternity. That gives me chills all over my body because what could ever be better than that?!

Flutters in my tummy

| Tuesday, September 14, 2010 | 1 comments |
It's that time already?! I couldn't believe it the other day when I already felt the tiniest hint of little one moving around in my tummy. I actually had a little bit of a scare when I sat down to rest and all the sudden I had this huge jump on my left side like a kick you would feel more around 7 months along. I have to admit, I still do find that kind of strange and not quite sure what was going on there. But, I have put my worries aside and am enjoying the occasional flutters I feel giving me the reassurance that baby is growing and doing great. I've almost forgot of all the little phases your body goes through and when certain things happen. Especially since I'm not reading about pregnancy all the time like I was with Kinsleigh! We are so thrilled about this little guy or girl inside of me and marvel at God's intricate ways He is knitting them together. This time around, our lives are already so busy with another little one that we often forget to sit down, and take time out to thank God for this next little blessing. (Now I know why they say 2nd children never get quite as much of the attention). It's happening already and they aren't even born yet! But gosh, when I really do sit down and take the time to thank Him for the miracle inside of me, I can't help but think of how lucky I am of something so great. What do doctors know anyway?! I was in fact meant to be a Mommy!!! (12 weeks pic)

I'm a Big Kid Now

| Sunday, September 5, 2010 | 0 comments |

Look what got to come out at our house this past week! Our hope is to get this kiddo potty trained before number 2 gets here. So far, things aren't looking too hopeful but we did JUST begin. Basically she is obsessed with it throughout the day. She talks about it all the time and loves to go sit on it with her clothes on. She even wants us to leave the light on in the bathroom so she can go in there whenever she wants. When I saw how excited she was, I thought, "Hey, this is going to be a piece of cake." Until we went ahead and tried to get her to sit on it to really go pee pee. Let's just say she does NOT like sitting on it bare bum. Great! We may have a little ways to go. But you know what, I'm okay with that. She is still so little and I am definitely not in any rush to grow her up and get her into big girl pants. She can take her little time to get comfortable (as long as it's not for a whole year)!

First Day of School

| Friday, August 27, 2010 | 0 comments |
Today was Kinsleigh's first day back to school! This year she is in the Toddler II class and I've got a feeling she is going to LOVE it!!! She is so great about walking right in and being a big girl. Her favorite things to do are go down the slide in her classroom, play outside, sing and do art projects. I give huge kudos to the teachers of her class because teaching multiple children of this age is NOT easy. Thank you to The Kirk teachers who are teaching our sweet girl and helping mold her into
who she is becoming. Here's to a great 2010-2011 school year!

Update of Life

| Wednesday, August 25, 2010 | 1 comments |
You may or may not have noticed that I have been slacking in my blogging. I must apologize but baby this go round is not making it quite as easy on me as Kinsleigh did. I've had yucky morning sickness which typically hits me in the evenings the worst and it makes me want to do nothing! So I really am going to try and start doing much better and get back with it but for right now, I'm just going to be taking it slow. Hopefully soon, I can start giving more updates about baby #2 and let you know how everything is going. So far, so good and getting closer to being done with the first trimester! woo hoo!

Our Tiny Little Secret

| Tuesday, August 17, 2010 | 0 comments |

We are very excited to announce...

okay, are you ready for it...

Kinsleigh is going to be a...

We are soooo thrilled and it as been the toughest thing EVER keeping this a secret. The goal was to try and make it through the whole entire first trimester before telling anybody but we're giving in a little early. I am already 9 weeks so I did do pretty good! We're very excited for this new chapter in our lives. Baby Kahlich #2 will be here Mid-March!!!!!

Oh Happy Day

| Thursday, August 5, 2010 | 0 comments |

There's not really a point to today's blog except to say that today was just an incredibly happy day. It wasn't for one particular reason, just in general. I took a moment and just sat back and realized how truly blessed I am. So many things that I've been given, I know that I do not deserve. But yet, here I am in a lovely home with a gorgeous daughter, a husband who spent the afternoon cleaning for me, a family that gets along and actually loves us, very close dear friends, and we are a part of a church home that is everything we ever could have dreamed of it being. I like to take days like today and just remember all of these things because it is so easy to have a bad day and forget.

Tulsa Drillers!

| Friday, July 30, 2010 | 0 comments |
Our family evening out the other night was going to a Tulsa Drillers game. This was the first for Kinsleigh and I. I didn't even consider watching the weather before we went because let's face it, how often are the meteorologists really right? So it hasn't rained in DAYS and what happens 5 minutes after we get out of the car to go stand in line to get in??? Starts pouring! For a good 20 min. at least. We're all getting soaked since we don't have an umbrella and Kinsleigh is screaming the WHOLE time. We got to learn something new. Apparently, she doesn't like being in the rain. I myself thought it was a nice cool down. The game ended up being lots of fun and not starting too late. Out of the whole 1 1/2 hours we were there, we watched I think 10-15 min of the game! Kinsleigh loves watching sports though which makes her Daddy very proud. And I must have you know she can distinguish between golf, football, baseball, basketball and hockey. What a cool chick!

She got quite sweaty!