Our family evening out the other night was going to a Tulsa Drillers game. This was the first for Kinsleigh and I. I didn't even consider watching the weather before we went because let's face it, how often are the meteorologists really right? So it hasn't rained in DAYS and what happens 5 minutes after we get out of the car to go stand in line to get in??? Starts pouring! For a good 20 min. at least. We're all getting soaked since we don't have an umbrella and Kinsleigh is screaming the WHOLE time. We got to learn something new. Apparently, she doesn't like being in the rain. I myself thought it was a nice cool down. The game ended up being lots of fun and not starting too late. Out of the whole 1 1/2 hours we were there, we watched I think 10-15 min of the game! Kinsleigh loves watching sports though which makes her Daddy very proud. And I must have you know she can distinguish between golf, football, baseball, basketball and hockey. What a cool chick!
She got quite sweaty!
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