Lake Palestine
The past several d
ays, my family and I took a "vacation" to Lake Palestine in Tyler, TX for a brief get away. It's so nice to have those times every once in a while just for a change of pace but gosh who knew vacation could be so exhausting. Having a child has now shown Sean and I that we no longer really take vacation for ourselves. It's merely for the pure entertainment of our child and ultimately creates more work and stress for ourselves. I've always known this would be true from what everyone has told me but I thought that I would figure out a way to not make it true for my family. Ha! Wrong! Packing/unpacking and cleaning up the house once you get home is so NOT fun! But we really did enjoy ourselves despite our couple incidents. Bella (our dog) did jump out of the boat while we were pulling it behind my car to the boat ramp. She did a few rolls and gave herself a concussion and ripped her claw out of her paw so we of course had to take her to the animal hospital. Pretty much took up one whole morning from being on the lake. And then later that morning right before lunch, Kinsleigh decided to run inside onto the hard wood floors in the house before I had her feet dried off. She took a plunge and bit right through her bottom lip. Oh the chaos. Yet, we're still so glad we took the trip. But even more glad to be home!
Parenting Tips
Sean and I are getting closer and closer to the day when we are going to have to start deciding what type of discipline we are going to use in our home. I've always had several ideas of what I do or do not want to do with my own child but am very open to some more suggestions of things that have worked great for others. However, one thing I will never do is discipline through counting. Here are 3 reasons why...
1. It takes a lot of work
1 1/2 It makes you more frustrated
2. They will continue to do it even after you get to 3
2 1/4. You are giving them way too many chances. They only need one warning
2 1/2 You are not consistent with the amount of time between numbers
2 3/4 It's a threat and the child will only act out more
3...I think you get the idea =)
To all the parents who do use this method of discipline, I'm not bashing you at all. Sometimes you have to do whatever you can to get by. Just saying from everything I've ever been taught, seen, and experienced it doesn't seem to work the best to me! And I really tend to laugh when I see parents using the extra numbers or extra warnings like "Don't make me get to 3!" I just know with Kinsleigh it is going to be "This is your warning. If you don't stop ____ then you are going to ____." Then follow through with what I say! The END!
Anyone else have any good ideas they have discovered for good consequences or motivation for good behavior? I love Parents magazine because they give TONS of what seem to be great ideas but I like to hear from people I personally know too!
Probably not the best idea! haha
1. It takes a lot of work
1 1/2 It makes you more frustrated
2. They will continue to do it even after you get to 3
2 1/4. You are giving them way too many chances. They only need one warning
2 1/2 You are not consistent with the amount of time between numbers
2 3/4 It's a threat and the child will only act out more
3...I think you get the idea =)
To all the parents who do use this method of discipline, I'm not bashing you at all. Sometimes you have to do whatever you can to get by. Just saying from everything I've ever been taught, seen, and experienced it doesn't seem to work the best to me! And I really tend to laugh when I see parents using the extra numbers or extra warnings like "Don't make me get to 3!" I just know with Kinsleigh it is going to be "This is your warning. If you don't stop ____ then you are going to ____." Then follow through with what I say! The END!
Anyone else have any good ideas they have discovered for good consequences or motivation for good behavior? I love Parents magazine because they give TONS of what seem to be great ideas but I like to hear from people I personally know too!

Tornado Season
Somebody please remind me again why I love living in Oklahoma so much? The storms and tornado warnings this season have been crazy! There is a part of me that gets a thrill out of the storms but as they approach and get ever so closely to my house, I do tend to get a little bit more uneasy. Especially now that I have a little one and have to make sure that I am protecting her and making her as safe as possible. What I find really funny is...only in Oklahoma do people (including myself) continue on with their business while the tornado sirens are sounding outside. Last night ours went off twice and each time I first went and checked the t.v. really quick, then headed outside to make sure I didn't hear/see anything. When all looked clear to me, I continued cooking, etc. Our bag was of course all packed and ready in the bathroom but never once did we go spend some time in there to protect ourselves from the storm. These storms just happen way too often. But yet, I do LOVE Oklahoma more than anyplace on Earth! Must be because of all the pretty open land (outside of the city), the incredibly nice people you meet EVERYWHERE you go, and the fact that it is somewhat central in the U.S. so it's not too far of a drive to many places. I would never want to live anywhere else (besides having a second home at a beach), but that's it!!!!
Pics from last nights storms from our front and backyard...

Pics from last nights storms from our front and backyard...
Why I love being a Mommy...

I get sweet hugs every day.
I get to cuddle.
I get to see my beautiful girl smile and hear her giggle.
I get to be her comfort when boo boo's happen.
I get to go shopping in the toy section a lot.
I spend a lot more time playing outside.
I have motivation to eat more healthy.
I get to be "tickle monster"
I get slobbery kisses.
I get to watch Veggie Tales for a reason.
I get to hold and sing to her every day.
I get to say prayers with her every night.
I get to teach her about Jesus.
I get to see her be molded into who she is becoming and grow to be the most gorgeous little girl I've ever seen. To know that she is a part of both me and her daddy... that right there in itself is the greatest miracle of all!
I am the luckiest mommy in the world!!!!!!!!!
Scary turned Special Day
Today potentially could have been one of the most traumatic days in our life with Kinsleigh thus far. Thankfully it was the complete opposite. One of the most exhausting though? I could go with that. I slept probably a total of 4 hours last night in worried anticipation for what was coming in the morning. I know that I shouldn't have been since worrying is not of the Lord but I could not get control of it. Finally got out of bed at 5:30am to grab a few last things together before going to pick Kins up out of her bed a few minutes before 6. She of course totally wakes up when we get into the car and decides to be bright and cheery instead of going back to sleep (this however worked to our advantage later). When we arrived, it was a waiting room filled with little children waiting to have procedures done. That made me feel a little better in and of itself because I visually could see "Ok, she's not the only one. MANY children do this each and every day." By the time we got her back to her room, her tiredness was catching up to her so she just kind of chilled in our lap and wasn't her normal running around the room crazy self, which was nice for a change. We put her into her sweet little tiger hospital gown and I must say she is the cutest thing I've ever seen in a hospital gown. I rocked her in my arms until the nurse came in with the "crazy juice" in a syringe. Once Kinsleigh took it, it was only within minutes that she started to get more relaxed and less cranky around the doctors. They then picked her up to take her away and that's when my tears came once I realized she wasn't even scared to go with a stranger. That juice stuff really works well! We went into the waiting room for no longer than 15 min then we were back with her in her little recovery room. She looked so peaceful sleeping with her blankie, an eye patch on her now healed eye, and a bed that was way too oversized for her. She continued to sleep for another 35 minutes and the entire time I'm fearing what her reaction is going to be when she wakes up. I can just envision all the kicking and screaming that will happen since that is what is going on with all the other children waking around us. But what does our sweet little girl do? She slowly opens her one eye, stretches, and after a couple minutes just points up at the ceiling and says "light!" Then started jabbering away and saying her numbers! That's my girl! I'm so proud of her!
I survived!
For the first time this past week, I stayed at home by MYSELF with Kinsleigh while Sean went out of town on a conference. Yes I know, you're probably thinking...this was the first time? He has gone on many trips before, even only a week after Kinsleigh was born but all other times I have had somebody come stay with me. This time I toughed it out on my own and I survived! However, I learned that I would probably never make it as a single parent. I realized just how much I do need him each and every day. I still was able to cook, do the laundry and all the other daily routines, but then I didn't have anyone to clean up the dishes or put the clothes away when I was done. Made a big difference. I also couldn't even come close to finding time to take care of the yard, and the grocery shopping just did not happen. Huge props to you Sean! You are a tremendous help in my daily life and I am so thankful for that. I don't get to tell you enough! Even though you do drive me crazy sometimes, it's all well worth it. You protect me and make me feel safe which in turn makes me feel like I don't need to turn on alarms and prop chairs under door handles when you are home. Only when you're gone. Which I hope doesn't happen again for a very long time cause Kins and I want to come on a trip too! We still need a VACAY!!!!