I survived!
Posted by
April Kahlich
| Monday, May 3, 2010 |
For the first time this past week, I stayed at home by MYSELF with Kinsleigh while Sean went out of town on a conference. Yes I know, you're probably thinking...this was the first time? He has gone on many trips before, even only a week after Kinsleigh was born but all other times I have had somebody come stay with me. This time I toughed it out on my own and I survived! However, I learned that I would probably never make it as a single parent. I realized just how much I do need him each and every day. I still was able to cook, do the laundry and all the other daily routines, but then I didn't have anyone to clean up the dishes or put the clothes away when I was done. Made a big difference. I also couldn't even come close to finding time to take care of the yard, and the grocery shopping just did not happen. Huge props to you Sean! You are a tremendous help in my daily life and I am so thankful for that. I don't get to tell you enough! Even though you do drive me crazy sometimes, it's all well worth it. You protect me and make me feel safe which in turn makes me feel like I don't need to turn on alarms and prop chairs under door handles when you are home. Only when you're gone. Which I hope doesn't happen again for a very long time cause Kins and I want to come on a trip too! We still need a VACAY!!!!

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