1. It takes a lot of work
1 1/2 It makes you more frustrated
2. They will continue to do it even after you get to 3
2 1/4. You are giving them way too many chances. They only need one warning
2 1/2 You are not consistent with the amount of time between numbers
2 3/4 It's a threat and the child will only act out more
3...I think you get the idea =)
To all the parents who do use this method of discipline, I'm not bashing you at all. Sometimes you have to do whatever you can to get by. Just saying from everything I've ever been taught, seen, and experienced it doesn't seem to work the best to me! And I really tend to laugh when I see parents using the extra numbers or extra warnings like "Don't make me get to 3!" I just know with Kinsleigh it is going to be "This is your warning. If you don't stop ____ then you are going to ____." Then follow through with what I say! The END!
Anyone else have any good ideas they have discovered for good consequences or motivation for good behavior? I love Parents magazine because they give TONS of what seem to be great ideas but I like to hear from people I personally know too!

May 24, 2010 at 3:01 PM
Hey Aps...I'm the last person who should post on here, haha, but I really like what my sister did. Her and her husband set the discipline ground rules together. They have a series of consequences when something happens. For instance if you do something after being told once its time out, twice its lose the object, third time spanking...you get the picture I hope. Together they had to decide each consequence and the order. The trick is that they both(parents) have to follow the same rules. It helps that the child doesn't favor or act out more toward one parent over the other. I don't think that by any means they have perfect kids, but I guess the point is they have the consistancy and they are in it united. For me, I was counted to, but that only meant pops was counting how many swats when I got home. Ha! As I look back...I was one of those kids that had to be spanked. Can't really spank much anymore without somebody having a hissy fit though. Anyways...Good Luck, Kins has great parents and I'm sure she will be a great kid because of it. :) Shannon
May 24, 2010 at 8:54 PM
One thing my sister, Judy, did that I liked is that she pulled Todd aside and quietly told him what he was doing was wrong instead of blurting it out in front of everyone. I never had the discipline to do it that way, but it seemed like a good idea and Todd turned out nice.
May 26, 2010 at 7:20 PM
Hey girl. It's so scary isn't it. As we are only a few months ahead of you guys I'm not sure I have much to offer, but here's our plan of action as of now.
We do have a list of things that gets no warning and an immediate spanking, ie: swatting at us.
We get down to his level and tell him to look at our eyes once he has disobeyed, explain to him where and how he disobeyed, use the scripture Eph. 6:1 "Children obey your momma and daddy in the Lord for this is right".
When he's playing with fire, tempted and about to disobey we tell him to make a good choice and obey and if you choose to disobey "blank discipline" will happen, you make the the choice.
We are like you we aren't counting to 3. Now due to his age we are still instructing him and teaching what is obeying and not so there are times when he does get more "chances" than we'd like.
We're trying to use scripture with our instructing and discipling.
That's our plans for now.
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