Pics from last nights storms from our front and backyard...
Tornado Season
Posted by
April Kahlich
| Thursday, May 20, 2010 |
Somebody please remind me again why I love living in Oklahoma so much? The storms and tornado warnings this season have been crazy! There is a part of me that gets a thrill out of the storms but as they approach and get ever so closely to my house, I do tend to get a little bit more uneasy. Especially now that I have a little one and have to make sure that I am protecting her and making her as safe as possible. What I find really funny is...only in Oklahoma do people (including myself) continue on with their business while the tornado sirens are sounding outside. Last night ours went off twice and each time I first went and checked the t.v. really quick, then headed outside to make sure I didn't hear/see anything. When all looked clear to me, I continued cooking, etc. Our bag was of course all packed and ready in the bathroom but never once did we go spend some time in there to protect ourselves from the storm. These storms just happen way too often. But yet, I do LOVE Oklahoma more than anyplace on Earth! Must be because of all the pretty open land (outside of the city), the incredibly nice people you meet EVERYWHERE you go, and the fact that it is somewhat central in the U.S. so it's not too far of a drive to many places. I would never want to live anywhere else (besides having a second home at a beach), but that's it!!!!
Pics from last nights storms from our front and backyard...

Pics from last nights storms from our front and backyard...
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