Lake Palestine
Posted by
April Kahlich
| Sunday, May 30, 2010 |
The past several d
ays, my family and I took a "vacation" to Lake Palestine in Tyler, TX for a brief get away. It's so nice to have those times every once in a while just for a change of pace but gosh who knew vacation could be so exhausting. Having a child has now shown Sean and I that we no longer really take vacation for ourselves. It's merely for the pure entertainment of our child and ultimately creates more work and stress for ourselves. I've always known this would be true from what everyone has told me but I thought that I would figure out a way to not make it true for my family. Ha! Wrong! Packing/unpacking and cleaning up the house once you get home is so NOT fun! But we really did enjoy ourselves despite our couple incidents. Bella (our dog) did jump out of the boat while we were pulling it behind my car to the boat ramp. She did a few rolls and gave herself a concussion and ripped her claw out of her paw so we of course had to take her to the animal hospital. Pretty much took up one whole morning from being on the lake. And then later that morning right before lunch, Kinsleigh decided to run inside onto the hard wood floors in the house before I had her feet dried off. She took a plunge and bit right through her bottom lip. Oh the chaos. Yet, we're still so glad we took the trip. But even more glad to be home!
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