She got quite sweaty!
Tulsa Drillers!
She got quite sweaty!
My Little Artist
Today, we made a special trip to Target for some washable kids finger paint. I decided
since we were stuck inside to beat this heat, we might as well get messy! She had a blast getting messy, as she always does, and ended up creating quite a masterpiece. I decided to document her in action. She ended up making a very colorful collage and I'm going to finish off the final project by attaching her smiley picture in the corner then adding a small poem that says...
Children have a certain way of growing bigger every day, But these little hands and this special smile will stay in our hearts a long, long while.

Children have a certain way of growing bigger every day, But these little hands and this special smile will stay in our hearts a long, long while.
I'm a Christian

I'm a Christian.
Is this what you say about yourself? I do. But what does this really mean and how do you live it out?
Too often we become "conformed to the pattern of being religious and we start pretending we're living for Jesus." -Wayne Hardy.
"You have a reputation for being alive, but you are dead." Rev. 3:1b
Does this sound like you, because I know it does me sometimes. It's like everyone knows I'm a Christian and they know my beliefs and then I think it's okay to just leave it at that. Ha! I think not! You and I need to be digging deeply into the Word on a daily basis and we need to be praying daily as well. Not just to be asking for things either. Christ is there to be your friend and have conversations with. Think about it. Would you sit down with your best friend to talk and just ask them for things over and over? Most likely no.
If we're(including myself) going to be claiming we are Christians then we need to start living it out. Don't just sit on the sidelines. Be in a committed relationship with Him. Love others. God has a plan for us and he has specific areas in which he wants us to serve and we need to fulfill his requests.
Bouncy Barn
Rainy Day Activities
1) Make props for some of his/her favorite books
This can be with felt pieces, laminated magnets, puppets, etc. Kinsleigh loves when I read her stories and then she can play with the pieces too as it goes along with it.
2) Make home made play doh
This activity never fails. I make mine with kool aid so it smells really yummy. (recipes are all over online) Then you can just give them cookie cutters that you already have for them to use.
3) Finger paint in cool whip or shaving cream
Obviously for Kinsleigh's age I have to still do the cool whip since she might try to eat it.
4) Make an obstacle course using different items inside the house
5) Tape big poster boards on the tile floor and let them color away with washable markers
6) Bring a tub of water inside with sponges. Add a little dish soap to make it even more exciting. Our sponges are animal shaped so she likes to hide them under the bubbles and ask "where'd horsey go?!" You'll want to lay several towels down all around the tub for this activity.
Let me know the ideas you've discovered that your toddler really seems to enjoy doing indoors. And if you ever need any other ideas, I have PLENTY more where these came from. Enjoy! And let the rainy days become the most exciting days!
What's for Dinner?