I'm trying to compile a list of my favorite recipes and create my own recipe book but am needing some new additions to our diet. You know how you get stuck in the routine of just making the same things all the time? I get soooo tired of that! So I try to come up with different ideas every once in a while but it can get very exhausting flipping through recipe books all the time. So now, every time I find something that we REALLY like, I mark it down so that I can gather all my favorites and make my OWN recipe book. That way, I'll have plenty of variety to choose from and know that I'll like everything there is to pick. My question to you all is, does anyone have any favorite recipes of their own that they would like to share? I really am looking for main dishes, but I would love to know appetizers, deserts, whatever. Once I eventually get all mine put together, I'll be more than willing to share mine as well! I'm not the best cook in the world, but I do try!
July 12, 2010 at 2:28 PM
I actually have a bunch of my favorite posted on my food blog- yuminmytum.com
thepioneerwoman.com is another great place to look!
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