This week, on Sean's day off, for once I didn't have ANYTHING I had to do either so we decided we should take advantage of this time. We hardly ever have a full day free with all 3 of us so we wanted to do something different and fun for Kinsleigh. We decided to visit the Bouncy Barn. Unfortunately it moved to a new location just about 2 weeks ago because it used to be right around the corner from our house. It always looked like a pretty cool place to visit, just never had the chance to check it out. Well, my first time with the experience, I give it a 6 out of 10. The location it is now in still needs quite a bit of work, the employee was not at all child friendly, and there is not as wide of a variety of things to do as the website makes it seem. However, the lit

tle they did have, Kinsleigh really did enjoy (just check out her face in the pictures). She played in the ball pit FOREVER! I still can't believe she's already able to do all this stuff! Our little girl is growing up way too fast! All in all, I would go back if we had a group of friends with us. That would probably make it a bit more exciting because it was pretty dead. So if you haven't visited this place yet, I would keep that in mind.
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