I'm a Christian.
Is this what you say about yourself? I do. But what does this really mean and how do you live it out?
Too often we become "conformed to the pattern of being religious and we start pretending we're living for Jesus." -Wayne Hardy.
"You have a reputation for being alive, but you are dead." Rev. 3:1b
Does this sound like you, because I know it does me sometimes. It's like everyone knows I'm a Christian and they know my beliefs and then I think it's okay to just leave it at that. Ha! I think not! You and I need to be digging deeply into the Word on a daily basis and we need to be praying daily as well. Not just to be asking for things either. Christ is there to be your friend and have conversations with. Think about it. Would you sit down with your best friend to talk and just ask them for things over and over? Most likely no.
If we're(including myself) going to be claiming we are Christians then we need to start living it out. Don't just sit on the sidelines. Be in a committed relationship with Him. Love others. God has a plan for us and he has specific areas in which he wants us to serve and we need to fulfill his requests.
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