The BIG 3!

| Monday, October 24, 2011 | 0 comments |
I will always remember every detail of the day you were born, even down to the sound of your cry when you entered this world...

How you you would always make this face when you turned 1...

The way you always had a smile on your face and hardly ever got in trouble when you turned 2...

How you were crazy silly and extremely sweet but yet very stubborn, ahem, strong willed when you turned 3...

You make my days brighter Kinsleigh Grace and I love you to pieces!

Our Goal

The Kirk is doing something for our 50th Anniversary that I would love to ask your help in. We are trying, no wait...we will, fill a semi by Nov. 13th with items for those in need. Each week we have different items listed to bring so that we can get a variety of things and not just a bunch of canned beans and corn. This week, it was on my heart to really ask specifically because it is something that my own family struggles in getting for ourselves. FORMULA. Ugh! So not an easy thing to buy. The formula we feed Kyla (hypoallergenic aka super expensive liquid gold) , we would be spending approx $230 a month on if we were buying it for full retail all the time at a store like Wal Mart. Thankfully, I have been able to find many great deals on craigslist to get it much cheaper in bulk. But even then, my family still wouldn't have been able to afford it if we hadn't sold some of our own things on craigslist. We have sold an ipod, Garmin, Nook, all of Sean's disc's for disc golf, baby cradle as soon as we were done with it, nerf stuff (you know Sean is obsessed), queen bedroom set with the mattress and box springs, PS2 with all the games, Oakley backpack...let's just say we made many sacrifices. It just doesn't fit in our budget. And to think, we aren't even that bad off! What in the world are the people who don't even have jobs going to do? Got any formula laying around because you are done with it and just not sure what to do with it? Maybe you were given samples and don't need it? Or maybe you know someone in the medical field that would be willing to get you some? PLEASE DO! Here is a list of what can be brought each week until then. And obviously, if you have other things that you would like to donate, they are welcome as well.

10/30 baby food/formula and baby wipes
11/6 cake/brownie/muffin mixes and diapers
11/13 Canned fruit/veggies and toilet paper

We've already brought cereal, canned soup, peanut butter, shampoo, toothpaste, laundry soap, just to name a few but I am sure we could use more! We already have the semi 1/2 full so PLEASE help The Kirk reach it's goal! We've got 3 more weeks!!!

My #1 Prayer

Health for my children. It's of the upmost importance of what I NEED right now. I can't beg for it enough. My brain is emotionally drained from the stress and worry of things constantly wrong. Just so you can know where I am coming from, here is what we are battling.

Kyla- we all know she started off her little life in this world with a UTI and a milk allergy that was making her extremely sick. Fixed that problem only to take a little more time to fix her severe reflux problem with just the right medication. Happier baby then, but still has always just been a fussy baby which in itself is annoying enough. Around 4 mos. old, her eye started getting icky, icky. I assumed it was a clogged tear duct so did nothing about it, hoping it was just going to go away like it is supposed to. NOPE, still there. Had to get her into an eye dr. and it is in fact a clogged tear duct and she has been put on medication for it now. BUT if it has not cleared up in 6-8 weeks, which he says it most likely won't since it hasn't so far, we will have to consider putting her asleep so they can go in and flush it out themselves. In 5% of cases, they don't clear on their own. Of course, we are the 5%.
At 6 months, she started having SEVERE constipation. Just like Kinsleigh did/has. It literally started at the same time hers did, as soon as she started having baby food. Tried everything in the book. Nothing worked. Now have her on Miralax, which is not preferred for a baby this age, but it the ONLY way we can get her to go every once in a while. Now waiting on her referral to GI specialist. As of this past week, she has turned into the whine and cry all day long self again for what seems to be no reason. Went to the dr. today, because she had to get a flu shot anyway, and we are checking again for UTI just to be safe since AGAIN nothing else seems to be wrong. REALLY?!

Kinsleigh- Still working on figuring out her constipation problems. Went to GI specialist recently. Tried her suggestions. Still nothing. STILL on Miralax after 2 years. This will all eventually come to a close I hope, as a GI specialist gets to see that they have both displayed the same symptoms now. May have some kind of genetic thing going on. And I just can't wait to go to her 3 year appointment next week to discuss all the behavior problems we have been having with her and her somewhat peculiar quirks.

I need a break. And I need prayer. Because my heart hurts and I don't want to lose hope. I'm tired of crying every day because the burden is too large. I feel like I'm doing this all on my own. And I know I don't have to nor am I supposed to, but so many days it just feels that way.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings and know that I am going beyond my comfort zone to release all these feelings. I don't like to feel like a person in need. Knowing I have good friends that love and care and are in deep prayer for me gets me by. So thank you!

Boredom Busters

| Monday, October 17, 2011 | 0 comments |
I'm always coming up with things for Kinsleigh to do that are a little out of the ordinary just to keep her busy. And they are always fun to share. So here you go, just to get your imagination going...

Buy a bag of Beans (I chose Cajun because they have more colors) and just let them play in them with spoons, cups, whatever.

Build with pipe cleaners in a strainer. Stole this idea from Pintrest. Sounds strange, but you will be amazed how long this can keep them entertained.

Bring a bucket of water outside and some sponges and let them "paint" the concrete with the sponges. We ended up doing this several days in a row. However, this one may be hard to do now that the weather is getting a bit chilly so take advantage of it when we do have a few of the nice days left!

Go fishing for letters in a bucket of water. I used the net from the Elefun game and we had these foam floating letters from the tub. Fun and they learn their letters at the same time!

Krafty Kid

Me being a preschool teacher and all, you know I love to whip out the crafts and art projects often. So as simple as they may be, I'd like to share some with you each month that we do. Kinsleigh is ALWAYS thrilled to try new activities and projects no matter what they are! So spend a little extra time and get creative. Your child will thank you for it and be a very happy camper! Promise!

For October so far, we have made these projects...

Go on a scavenger hunt for leaves in the yard then do leaf rubbings with them!

spooky spider made out of an old egg carton

handprint pumpkin (we were going to add seeds to glue on, but we haven't carved a pumpkin yet so we don't have any!)

you have to paint a pumpkin of course!

Stay tuned tomorrow for some of our "boredom busters" we have tried this month!

Mini Milestones

| Wednesday, October 12, 2011 | 0 comments |
It's just a typical day at the Kahlich household. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just enjoying playing and watching Kinsleigh's imagination soar as Kyla stares at her in complete amazement. But today, I'm taking the time to enjoy every minute of it. Just soaking it all in knowing they will not stay this way forever. This all came about when I was reading an article out of this month's "Parents" magazine about milestones. It was talking about how we acknowledge the "BIG" milestones in life but never really think twice about the "tiny" things. Like their last night in their crib, or the last time they nurse, or when they take their last bite of baby food. For me a biggie was the last night I got to put Kinsleigh to bed as our only daughter. After I told her goodnight, I went into the living room and balled my eyes out. Literally. Because I knew that from then on, bedtime would be a little more rushed as I wouldn'tbe only worrying about her little eyes shutting but another set of little eyes closing for the night. Another biggie was when Kinsleigh told all her binkies bye bye for good. As much as I wanted her to break the habit, I hated to see them go because it meant she was growing up and I would never see her walk out in the morning with that little grin forming behind it ever again. I never want to miss documentation of a special moment. (Which explains why I am such a crazy picture takin mama)! At the exact moment in time, we don't always realize that it is such a special moment until much later when we are looking back at the pictures. So today, cherish every moment with your little ones. And take lots of pictures! Even if it is just of them showing you their new favorite stuffed animal they discovered in sister's room t
hat day, or Kinsleigh showing off her masterpiece of coloring all over her hand.