Tulsa Drillers!

| Friday, July 30, 2010 | 0 comments |
Our family evening out the other night was going to a Tulsa Drillers game. This was the first for Kinsleigh and I. I didn't even consider watching the weather before we went because let's face it, how often are the meteorologists really right? So it hasn't rained in DAYS and what happens 5 minutes after we get out of the car to go stand in line to get in??? Starts pouring! For a good 20 min. at least. We're all getting soaked since we don't have an umbrella and Kinsleigh is screaming the WHOLE time. We got to learn something new. Apparently, she doesn't like being in the rain. I myself thought it was a nice cool down. The game ended up being lots of fun and not starting too late. Out of the whole 1 1/2 hours we were there, we watched I think 10-15 min of the game! Kinsleigh loves watching sports though which makes her Daddy very proud. And I must have you know she can distinguish between golf, football, baseball, basketball and hockey. What a cool chick!

She got quite sweaty!

My Little Artist

| Tuesday, July 27, 2010 | 0 comments |
Today, we made a special trip to Target for some washable kids finger paint. I decided since we were stuck inside to beat this heat, we might as well get messy! She had a blast getting messy, as she always does, and ended up creating quite a masterpiece. I decided to document her in action. She ended up making a very colorful collage and I'm going to finish off the final project by attaching her smiley picture in the corner then adding a small poem that says...

Children have a certain way of growing bigger every day, But these little hands and this special smile will stay in our hearts a long, long while.

I'm a Christian

| Wednesday, July 21, 2010 | 0 comments |

I'm a Christian.

Is this what you say about yourself? I do. But what does this really mean and how do you live it out?

Too often we become "conformed to the pattern of being religious and we start pretending we're living for Jesus." -Wayne Hardy.
"You have a reputation for being alive, but you are dead." Rev. 3:1b

Does this sound like you, because I know it does me sometimes. It's like everyone knows I'm a Christian and they know my beliefs and then I think it's okay to just leave it at that. Ha! I think not! You and I need to be digging deeply into the Word on a daily basis and we need to be praying daily as well. Not just to be asking for things either. Christ is there to be your friend and have conversations with. Think about it. Would you sit down with your best friend to talk and just ask them for things over and over? Most likely no.

If we're(including myself) going to be claiming we are Christians then we need to start living it out. Don't just sit on the sidelines. Be in a committed relationship with Him. Love others. God has a plan for us and he has specific areas in which he wants us to serve and we need to fulfill his requests.

Bouncy Barn

| Friday, July 16, 2010 | 0 comments |
This week, on Sean's day off, for once I didn't have ANYTHING I had to do either so we decided we should take advantage of this time. We hardly ever have a full day free with all 3 of us so we wanted to do something different and fun for Kinsleigh. We decided to visit the Bouncy Barn. Unfortunately it moved to a new location just about 2 weeks ago because it used to be right around the corner from our house. It always looked like a pretty cool place to visit, just never had the chance to check it out. Well, my first time with the experience, I give it a 6 out of 10. The location it is now in still needs quite a bit of work, the employee was not at all child friendly, and there is not as wide of a variety of things to do as the website makes it seem. However, the little they did have, Kinsleigh really did enjoy (just check out her face in the pictures). She played in the ball pit FOREVER! I still can't believe she's already able to do all this stuff! Our little girl is growing up way too fast! All in all, I would go back if we had a group of friends with us. That would probably make it a bit more exciting because it was pretty dead. So if you haven't visited this place yet, I would keep that in mind.

Rainy Day Activities

| Monday, July 12, 2010 | 0 comments |
On days like today, when it's nothing but cloudy skies and rain, I'm always trying to come up with different things that Kinsleigh and I can do indoors. Our child gets bored VERY easily, unfortunately. I tried to put some creative ideas into action today and then thought I would share some of the different things you could do with a very little one when going outside is not an option.

1) Make props for some of his/her favorite books
This can be with felt pieces, laminated magnets, puppets, etc. Kinsleigh loves when I read her stories and then she can play with the pieces too as it goes along with it.

2) Make home made play doh
This activity never fails. I make mine with kool aid so it smells really yummy. (recipes are all over online) Then you can just give them cookie cutters that you already have for them to use.

3) Finger paint in cool whip or shaving cream
Obviously for Kinsleigh's age I have to still do the cool whip since she might try to eat it.

4) Make an obstacle course using different items inside the house

5) Tape big poster boards on the tile floor and let them color away with washable markers

6) Bring a tub of water inside with sponges. Add a little dish soap to make it even more exciting. Our sponges are animal shaped so she likes to hide them under the bubbles and ask "where'd horsey go?!" You'll want to lay several towels down all around the tub for this activity.

Let me know the ideas you've discovered that your toddler really seems to enjoy doing indoors. And if you ever need any other ideas, I have PLENTY more where these came from. Enjoy! And let the rainy days become the most exciting days!

What's for Dinner?

| Tuesday, July 6, 2010 | 1 comments |
I'm trying to compile a list of my favorite recipes and create my own recipe book but am needing some new additions to our diet. You know how you get stuck in the routine of just making the same things all the time? I get soooo tired of that! So I try to come up with different ideas every once in a while but it can get very exhausting flipping through recipe books all the time. So now, every time I find something that we REALLY like, I mark it down so that I can gather all my favorites and make my OWN recipe book. That way, I'll have plenty of variety to choose from and know that I'll like everything there is to pick. My question to you all is, does anyone have any favorite recipes of their own that they would like to share? I really am looking for main dishes, but I would love to know appetizers, deserts, whatever. Once I eventually get all mine put together, I'll be more than willing to share mine as well! I'm not the best cook in the world, but I do try!