4 Year Checkup!

| Tuesday, November 6, 2012 | 1 comments |
Welp, it's bragging time!  Yeah, I like to do that a lot...brag on my kids.  But I just can't help it after mornings like today!  This 4 year old girl made me so proud at her 4 year checkup this morning. Drumroll please....for the first time EVER this girl

1)  Let the nurse check her height, weight AND blood pressure (getting an arm hug) without putting up a fuss!  In the past her anxiety has prevented her from being able to do this without me having to pin her down to some type of surface.
2) She did her little eye examine, with one eye covered, telling us all her letters without a complaint
3) She talked to all the Dr's/nurses like they were her best friend. Social butterfly! Of course anyone who knows this girl well knows that she will talk and talk and talk if you give her the chance!
4)  She jumped up and down saying "I want my checkup! I want my checkup!" when the Dr. came in and was talking because she was so ready to get up on the table and get it done. We had to actually tell her to be patient for her checkup so that we could discuss her other milestones first!
5) She helped the Dr. listen to her heart with the stethoscope and even breathed in and out perfectly on command. I know I know, this one seems lame but you had to be there. It was impressive!
6) She took the flu nasal spray up the nose like it was the coolest thing ever invented!  (This did make her very happy to know that no shots would be happening today.)

Some of these things may seem like no big deal, but to me they mean everything. And it reminds me that I truly am blessed with a great girlie and all uncertain endeavors don't have to be hard and exhausting.

She couldn't give me any more attention than this to show her excitement about the Dr. because there was something far much more interesting on T.V. ;)