Story behind the Break...

| Thursday, June 13, 2013 | 0 comments |
Since many of you have been asking and I know I will continue to be asked how Kyla broke her wrist, I thought I would just take a moment to share the journey of our week this way.

Monday night actually is when my week began to go downhill.  It was a typical night, everyone exhausted and ready for bed from a fun summer day. Only 15 minutes after I had fallen asleep for the night, I was awakened by my 4 year old throwing up due to a coughing fit.  She's completely healthy, just getting over an ear infection/icky cough and when that girl gets a coughin, she gets a coughin!!! And she just kept coughing, throwing up, coughing, throwing up for a good 20 min. Poor kiddo. Everything cleaned up, new sheets on the bed, battled a fly in her bedroom for another 20 min so that she could calm down to go to sleep. Yeah...needless to say, I finally got to bed by midnight which if you know anything about me is WAY past my bedtime.  I thrive on sleep!  Then Kyla decided after finally having 4 nights in a row of sleeping through the night (woo hoo!)  she was going to wake up multiple times again.  Yippee. I awoke Tues, exhausted, but upbeat and ready to tackle another summer day.

That all changed at about 10:15 am.  The girls and I were having a great morning doing puzzles, playing with play doh, you know the usual.  Then Kyla decided to bring out her 2 year old karate chopping leg tantrums on her sister.  I tell ya, dealing with the hitting/kicking/biting of a 2 year old is exhausting and not to mention totally new for me.  I didn't have to do this when I only had one child.  Geez! Kyla just doesn't like to put up with that sister of hers and she can be vicious. I give Kinsleigh the credit that she was using her words the best she could to tell her to stop and I was too until finally she just wouldn't stop so I used my arm to move her legs real quick and get them out of the way from Kinsleigh to keep her from hurting her.  Still don't know exactly how it happened but Kyla was sitting on her bottom while she was kicking so when I moved her legs, sent her into kind of a pivot and what probably happened was she was leaning back supporting herself on her arms and when she turned, her wrist twisted. =( Ouch! Next thing I knew she was fallen over on her tummy with her armed turned backwards, screaming. I thought it was her shoulder based on how she landed but she just kept holding her wrist screaming...and screaming...and screaming.  I knew this wasn't an ordinary ouchie so we had the pediatrician called within minutes.  Sean sped home from work to watch Kinsleigh (for what ended up being the rest of the day) so I could only have to deal with one child at the Dr.  Ended up being in the office for an hour and a half then finally got sent over to the imaging center for xrays.  This part went fairly quick but keep in mind it was now 1:00pm, kid still had had nothing to eat, was missing nap, and in terrible pain. Got her home, stuck her in our bed to try and get a little rest in her and she ended up sleeping there until near dinner time.  Dr. called back and said xrays looked ok but we should check back in a couple days if she still wasn't acting better. Now sleep patterns are obviously off so yay for that!  Another bad night of rest.

How we spent our entire day...

Wed, awake to another day of pain.  Still not using her hand at all.  Completely swollen and couldn't move her fingers.  She cried ALL DAY LONG!  Oh and I forgot to mention that she hasn't been eating this entire time either which I don't come to discover why until Thurs. morning when I notice a sore on her bottom lip. She does take a ridiculously long nap that afternoon and looked mighty adorable if I do say so myself as you can see...

...only to wake up with a 100 degree fever. What?!  When it rains, it pours right??? Toughed out the rest of our evening followed by another awful night of sleep.  Big sis was an awfully big sweetie in taking care of her though.

Thurs., wake up.  Fever gone. Acting a little better but about 10am we start going downhill again and start crying NONSTOP. Kid is so upset she can't even go to the bathroom.  It was that bad.  Try a lunch, nothing.  Down for a nap, 30 min later, wake up screaming and can never go back to sleep.  Call back the Dr. since it has now been over 48 hours.  Tell her the condition.  She immediately refers us to a pediatric orthopedic Dr.  They said bring her over right away.  Since she's not napping, that was quite easy to do so got her going in a snap.  He took a look at her for literally 2 minutes.  Said she had a "nursemaids elbow" first of all and just snapped it back in place without me even knowing it.  That was causing her a lot of pain I'm sure.  Then moved on down to her wrist and could tell just by feeling that it was broken. Said she has a "blah blah break" (some medical term I clearly do not know).  Apparently since it was a minor break and the location of it, in small children it can be hard to see in an X-ray.  I seriously felt like this dude was a miracle worker. He did such an amazing job.  Had no doubt what was wrong and had her bandaged up and out of there in minutes.  So if you ever need a referral for a child injury, I've got the man for ya!

Let's just say, the kid didn't cry again for the rest of the evening.  She's such a rough/tough trooper!  Praying for a good nights rest and to get our sweet little Kyla girl back quickly.  I mean she does just have the cutest smile on the face of the planet, ya know?

And yes, I've had to keep reassuring myself that I'm not a bad Mommy because I made this happen.  The nurses let me know that stuff like this can happen all the time.  If you twist something just right, it can even be ever so slightly, and it just snaps.  It has not been fun however having to tell the story over and over to every nurse/Dr. we've seen and start crying about it.  But I think I'm good now...thank heavens!!!