Today's Top Story

| Wednesday, April 21, 2010 | |
This morning I was watching the news and was shocked at the top story they were discussing. Then again I was reminded of it as it was also the top story on the radio station as I drove to work. Apparently there is a new maid service opening in Tulsa where you can hire a woman or man to come to your home and clean your house topless/nude, whatever. They do an extensive background check on the homes they are sending their maids to in order to make sure they are safe. I'm like REALLY?! What is this world coming to? I mean, I know there are already places like this and have always been places like this for a really long time in other areas but just seeing it so acceptable and easily talked about on the news just breaks my heart. God did not create our bodies to flaunt. So how anyone could honestly do that or be a supporter of someone who does is beyond me. Open your eyes world and open the Word of God so that you can clearly see our purpose for living on this Earth! I can guarantee you the answer will not be that it's for our pleasure...


Toby and Bridget Says:
April 22, 2010 at 4:17 PM

I know! I heard about this on the news & was absolutely appalled!!

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