Forgiveness like no Other

| Wednesday, May 23, 2012 | |
Ephesians 4:31-32 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

I was taught a huge lesson on forgiveness today.  I didn't go to any church, bible study, or listen to a podcast.  I learned it from the best teacher, my daughter.  During a total of about 30 min of our day today, we had a ROUGH time.  Saying that is so beyond an understatement.  And I lost it.  Literally, lost it.  And the way I spoke to her disgusts me.  I am so angry at myself for how I can lose it sometimes when she becomes difficult.  Once I was able to step away for a moment, I balled my eyes out, like I many times do in these situations.  And two or three minutes later, who was the one that came back with loving arms first?  Kinsleigh.  She heard me crying and her words exactly were, "Mommy, let me wipe your tear and give you a hug because you are sad."  I had just gotten so angry and hateful with her but she came back and loved me anyway! No bitterness, no anger, no sadness.  She had moved on and even told me she forgave me!  I'm so thankful that we have made it a point to teach her what it truly means to forgive like Jesus so she can actually understand what that means.  She is a REAL example of what it means to forgive as Jesus did!  And she's only 3!  She was the bigger person and put me to shame!  But I'm not ashamed about that, I love it!  I love that I can learn such awesome things from such a little person.  I of course forgive her always.  Immediately even.  Much more quickly than I am able to forgive others.  If only I can learn to forgive myself for the way I act sometimes and to forgive others as quickly and easily as she.


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